S3 Storage - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Refer Storage Descriptor to understand the description of attributes.

Refer Generic Storage for general information on storage configuration.

To configure S3 backend, use:

dcmURI: jclouds:s3:<endpoint>
dcmProperty: identity=<access-key>
dcmProperty: credential=<secret-key>
dcmProperty: container=<bucket-name>
dcmProperty: containerExists=<true|false> (optional, default: false)
dcmProperty: jclouds.trust-all-certs=<true|false> (optional, tested: true)
dcmProperty: jclouds.relax-hostname=<true|false> (optional, tested: true)
dcmProperty: jclouds.s3.virtual-host-buckets=<true|false> (optional, tested: false)
dcmProperty: jclouds.strip-expect-header=<true|false> (optional, tested: true)

For debugging HTTP requests to the S3 provider, configure additional Loggers org.jclouds and jclouds.headers with level DEBUG.

For EMC-ECS-S3 an alternative client is available. For more information refer link. Use:

dcmURI: emc-ecs-s3:<endpoint>
dcmProperty: identity=<access-key>
dcmProperty: credential=<secret-key>
dcmProperty: container=<bucket-name>
dcmProperty: containerExists=<true|false> (optional, default: false)
dcmProperty: streamingUpload=<true|false> (optional, default: false)
dcmProperty: emc-ecs-s3.URLConnectionClientHandler=<true|false> (optional, default: false)

For debugging HTTP requests to the S3 provider, configure additional Logger com.emc.object with level DEBUG.

More information about S3 can be found here

More information about testing S3 provider from commandline can be found here

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