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Label text and message

g_presetObj.lblName - Label text setting

-> Priority chart settings if specified : None

  • You can define settings to override g_lblNameObj in danoni_constants.js. For the property you want to override, specify the value you want to apply. You can add as many as you wish to change. This setting is also available for custom js and skin js.

* From v24 onward, specify by language (Ja: Japanese, En: English). If not specified, the default value is applied.

g_presetObj.lblName = {
    Ja: {
        settings: `ă‚Șăƒ—ă‚·ăƒ§ăƒł`,
    En: {
        settings: `Options`,
List of properties defined in g_lblNameObj
g_lang_lblNameObj.En = {
    dancing: `DANCING`,
    star: `☆`,
    onigiri: `ONIGIRI`,
    settings: `SETTINGS`,
    display: `DISPLAY`,
    key: `KEY`,
    config: `CONFIG`,
    result: `RESULT`,

    b_back: `Back`,
    b_keyConfig: `KeyConfig`,
    b_play: `PLAY!`,
    b_reset: `Reset`,
    b_settings: `To Settings`,
    b_copy: `CopyResult`,
    b_tweet: `Tweet`,
    b_gitter: `Gitter`,
    b_retry: `Retry`,

    Difficulty: `Difficulty`,
    Speed: `Speed`,
    Motion: `Motion`,
    Scroll: `Scroll`,
    Reverse: `Reverse`,
    Shuffle: `Shuffle`,
    AutoPlay: `AutoPlay`,
    Gauge: `Gauge`,
    Adjustment: `Adjustment`,
    Fadein: `Fadein`,
    Volume: `Volume`,

    d_StepZone: `StepZone`,
    d_Judgment: `Judgment`,
    d_FastSlow: `FastSlow`,
    d_LifeGauge: `LifeGauge`,
    d_Score: `Score`,
    d_MusicInfo: `MusicInfo`,
    d_FilterLine: `FilterLine`,
    d_Speed: `Speed`,
    d_Color: `Color`,
    d_Lyrics: `Lyrics`,
    d_Background: `Background`,
    d_ArrowEffect: `ArrowEffect`,
    d_Special: `Special`,

    Appearance: `Appearance`,
    Opacity: `Opacity`,

    ConfigType: `ConfigType`,
    ColorType: `ColorType`,
    KeyPattern: `KeyPattern`,

    j_ii: ":D Perfect!!",
    j_shakin: ":) Great!",
    j_matari: ":| Good",
    j_shobon: ":( Bad",
    j_uwan: ":_( Miss...",

    j_kita: ":) O.K.",
    j_iknai: ":( N.G.",

    j_maxCombo: `MaxCombo`,
    j_fmaxCombo: `FreezeCombo`,
    j_score: `Score`,

    j_fast: `Fast`,
    j_slow: `Slow`,

    allPerfect: `All Perfect!!`,
    perfect: `Perfect!!`,
    fullCombo: `FullCombo!`,
    cleared: `CLEARED!`,
    failed: `FAILED...`,

g_presetObj.msg - On mouse text, confirmation message definition setting

-> Priority chart settings if specified : None

  • g_lblNameObj / g_lang_lblNameObj, set by screen whether properties whose property name begins with u_ are to be replaced by the set value.
  • The default is true for all of them to be rewritten with the set value. If set to false, they will not be rewritten.
  • Properties that do not start with u_ are replaced unconditionally. Properties starting with u_ are used for items that are set across screens and you want to leave them as they are depending on the screen.
g_presetObj.lblRenames = {
	option: true,
	settingsDisplay: true,
	keyConfig: true,
        main: true,
	result: true,

Examples of properties beginning with u_

  • The main example is the name of a setting on the configuration screen. See also g_lblNameObj.
    'u_Cross': `Cross`,
    'u_Split': `Split`,
    'u_Alternate': `Alternate`,
    'u_Twist': `Twist`,
    'u_Asymmetry': `Asymmetry`,
    'u_Flat': `Flat`,
    'u_R-': `R-`,
    'u_Reverse': `Reverse`,


Version Change details
v26.3.1 << Variable name change >>
 - g_local_lblNameObj -> g_presetObj.lblName
 - g_local_msgObj -> g_presetObj.msg
 - g_lblRenames -> g_presetObj.lblRenames
v20.3.1 - Implementation of setting whether or not setting names can be overwritten (g_lblRenames).
v19.3.0 - Label text, on-mouse text, and confirmation message definition settings (g_local_lblNameObj, g_local_msgObj) are implemented.

< Results data | Label text and message | Definition of custom key types >

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