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| v37 | v36 ->
(🔖 7 Releases )

🔃 Files changed (v37)

Directory FileName Last Updated
/js danoni_main.js 📥 v37.3.1
/js/lib danoni_constants.js 📥 v37.2.0
/css danoni_main.css 📥 v37.2.1
Changed file list before v36
Directory FileName Last Updated
/js/lib danoni_localbinary.js 📥 v15.1.0
/skin danoni_skin_default.css
📥 v36.4.1
/img aaShadow.svg
📥 v15.1.0

⭐ New Features / 🛠️ Improvements / 🐞 Bug Fixes
( Files changed: ⚪ danoni_main.js / 🔵 danoni_constants.js / 🔴 css files )

v37.3.1 (2024-07-07)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🛠️ Changed specification to automatically remove the beginning of the trailing freeze-arrow if there is no end of the freeze-arrow. ( PR #1693 )
  • 🛠️ The number of freeze arrows displayed in the Difficulty level (DifLevel) now does not include the number of disabled arrows. ( PR #1693 )

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v37.3.0 (2024-07-06)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Arrows and freeze arrows can now be generated separately even when the generation timing is the same but the Y coordinate is different. ( PR #1691 )

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❤️ goe ( @goe0 )

v37.2.1 (2024-06-30)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🛠️ Restore vendor prefix compatibility settings for mask, background-clip. ( PR #1689 )

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v37.2.0 (2024-06-29)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Changed Adjustment setting width to expand and contract according to the playbackRate value. ( PR #1687 )
  • 🛠️ Changed playbackRate to show its contents on the play and result screens when the value is set to a value other than 1. ( PR #1687 )
  • 🛠️ Changed to not save the high score if the playbackRate value is set to a value other than 1. ( PR #1687 )
  • 🛠️ Extended arguments for the setting button function. ( PR #1687 )

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v37.1.0 (2024-06-25)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Assign a shortcut key to the Lock button in Appearance settings. ( PR #1684 )
  • ⭐ Changed to indicate the minimum/maximum change in the velocity change graph. ( PR #1684 )
  • 🛠️ Adjusted the position of the chart selection window and the display width of the velocity change graph. ( PR #1685 )
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where the average velocity change (AvgO, AvgB) display sometimes appeared higher than expected. ( PR #1685 ) <- 💥 v32.2.0

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❤️ apoi, MFV2 ( @MFV2 )

v37.0.1 (2024-06-20)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue with lyrics display auto-reversal not working when reverse. ( PR #1679, #1681 ) <- 💥 v30.0.1
  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue with screen stoppage when generating dummy freeze arrow (partial auto-notes). ( PR #1680 ) <- 💥 v36.0.0
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue with start arrow fill color disappearing when dummy freeze arrow hit. ( PR #1680 ) <- 💥 v31.0.0
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where the arrow fill color of the dummy freeze arrow was the same as the arrow border color when the skin was the default. ( PR #1680 ) <- 💥 v36.0.0

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❤️ すずめ ( @suzme )

v37.0.0 (2024-06-15)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implemented the ability to have multiple key types coexist at the same time with key types change (keych_data). ( PR #1676 )
  • 🛠️ Added the ability to cut tabs and half-width spaces at the specified partial key types of the key types change. ( PR #1676 )
  • 🛠️ Stoped loading unused constants and "danoni_legacy_function.js". ( PR #1677 )

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📔 Documentation

| v37 | v36 ->

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️