Application Portal - csap-platform/csap-core GitHub Wiki
The application portal is the core dashboard used when accessing the application for a selected lifecycle. It
is provided by the agent service The key components:
Landing Page : launch point for application wide view of services
Deployment : a 1 stop shop for services: deploy/start/stop/edit/performance/...
All aspects of an application are store in the Application Definition - a set of files typically stored in git and referred to as the Application Model.
While the files can be edited directly - this practice is discouraged as there are many semantic and syntactic validations performed when using the editor.
Editor Perspectives: The application editor provides different perspectives to enable workflow based changes.
Creating an Environment
CSAP encapsulates project life cycles within the application definition. As shown on the CSAP Management Dashboards architecture, the key considerations when setting up a life cycle:
life cycles cannot share infrastructure resources.
Consider kubernetes namespaces to optimize resources while maintaining operational isolation.
each life cycle has its own Application portal.
It is provided by the csap admin service.
service definitions are shared across all life cycles.
While the service definitions are shared, each life cycle can customize behaviour (life cycle configuration maps, service definition environment over rides, etc.)
Select an existing life cycle that is closest to the desired new one.
Click copy
Update ALL host names on all clusters
Click edit settings → select system tab. Update the loadbalance url to be the host of the management cluster updated in step 3
Commit changes to your repository.
Follow the Installation steps to install the hosts defined in your new life cycle.
Environments can be further customized as desired: landing page trends and real time meters, additional services, etc.
Summary Page
an overview of the application, including source location, service count, etc.
reload option enables the entire definition to be reloaded from source control on all hosts
Tree Editor
provides a tree navigation view of the selected release package (default is Application.json)
three editing modes:
tree - click on any value to modify
form - click on any launch icon to access the form view
json - any open element can be viewed in source mode to modify the selected content
changes can be validated, applied, or checked in
Service Editor Form
modify all aspects of service (source location, maven location, alert levels, performance, ....)
the default tabs provides direct access to the CSAP specification to edit direct; the remaining tabs provide form based access with hints