CsapMicroMeter - csap-platform/csap-core GitHub Wiki
source: CsapMicroMeter.java
Adding CsapMicroMeter.java to a java project adds:
- a Micrometer repository, as outlined in the Spring Boot reference guide.
- helper methods to quickly implement health and performance capabilities
- a rich UI for adhoc collection and display of performance data
CsapMicroMeter.java provides a CompositeRegistry to co-exist with prometheous registry (and any others). The embedded @RestController exposes:
- /csap/metrics/micrometers: includes health report, and meters filtered by names and tags
- /health/report - just a condensed report
- /health/test/... - test methods
- copy CsapMicrometer.java from the csapstarter git.
- Place it in a location where it will be autoconfigured by SpringBoot (eg. Same package as "@SpringBootApplication"
- Enable it to be collected with out permissions: httpSecurity.antMatchers( "/csap/**" ).permitAll()
- Add timers and counters to your code(See below)
- Use the spring boot default servlet provider (tomcat) due to greater metric coverage (see diagram on right)
- Use of "default" meters and meter names enables large numbers of meters to be browsed with CSAP Service Live.
- For infra monitor meters(CSAP Service Health), use of defined names is strongly encouraged.
- @Timed ("csap.functionname.attribute") will ensure meters continue to be collected following code refactorings, etc.
// Option 1: invoke anywhere in your code
@Autowired CsapMicroMeter.HealthReport healthReport ;
public void someMethod() {
healthReport.getOffLineErrors().add( healthReport.buildError( "test-message-id", "dev-only", errMessage ) ) ;
// Option 2: Add code to: CsapMicroMeter.HealthReport.update_health_status()
- CsapMicroMeter.CSAP_COLLECTION_TAG is used to limit the number of meters exported when http://<>/csap/metrics/micrometers&aggegate=true
- recommended: ONLY 5-15 meters should be tagged.
- Note: health reports, and browsing will expose ALL meters, not just those tagged
- Alternate to explicity tagging of timers: any name starting with "csap." will be autotagged with CSAP_COLLECTION_TAG
// unless "full" aop is enabled, @Timer will only work on methods crossing component boundaries
@Timed ( value = "csap.ui.page.landing" , description = "Root landing page" )
@GetMapping ( value = "/" )
public String demoGet( Model springViewModel ) {
@Timed(value="csap.jms.test-scenario", description="Jms Processing" )
@JmsListener ( id = TEST_JMS_LISTENER_ID , destination = SCENARIO_Q , containerFactory = FACTORY )
public void processRawMessageForTestScenarios ( Message message, Session session ) {
SimpleMeterRegistry simpleMeterRegistry ;
// Option 1: use lamda
Timer testTimer = springMeterRegistry.timer("your.simple.name.a") ;
testTimer.record(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) { }
// Option 2
Timer.Sample sample = Timer.start( simpleMeterRegistry ) ;
// do some stuff
sample.stop( Timer.builder( "your.simple.name.b" ).tag( CsapMicroMeter.CSAP_COLLECTION_TAG, "true")
.register( simpleMeterRegistry ) ) ;
CsapMicroMeter.Helpers microMeterHelper ;
@Bean // only 1 of the 10 methods record will be exported in aggregation mode
public MeterFilter add_csap_collection_tags( CsapMicroMeter.Helpers microMeterHelper ) {
return microMeterHelper.addCsapCollectionTag( "dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection" ) ;
@Pointcut("execution(* org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.get*(..))")
private void dbcpPC() {
@Around("dbcpPC()") // 10 methods in dbcp will be viewable
public Object dbcpMicroMeter(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp)
throws Throwable {
return microMeterHelper.timedExecution( pjp, "dbcp." );