Home - cornerstonejs/cornerstone GitHub Wiki
This wiki is intended to be used as a reference for the concepts and API's in cornerstone. If you are new to cornerstone, we recommend that you start by reviewing the concepts below and then looking at the various examples to see how cornerstone is used.
- Enabled Elements
- ImageIds
- ImageLoaders
- Image Object
- Viewport
- Pixel Coordinate System
- Architecture
- Rendering loop
API Reference
- CornerstoneImageRendered Event
- CornerstoneNewImage Event
- CornerstoneImageLoaded Event
- CornerstoneImageLoadProgress Event
- CornerstoneElementDisabled Event
Loading Images and Cache Management
Pixel Data
Element Data (Tools)
Image Loader
Internal APIs
These API's are used internally by cornerstone and not intended to be called externally. These API's may change at any time and will likely be hidden in the future.