enabled element - cornerstonejs/cornerstone GitHub Wiki
In cornerstone, an enabled element is an HTML DOM node (typically a DIV) which cornerstone displays an interactive medical image inside of. To display an image, a web developer needs to do the following:
- Reference the cornerstore javascript library file via a script tag in a web page
- Reference the javascript file for one or more image loaders that cornerstone will use to actually load the pixel data (e.g. WADO, WADO-RS, custom) in the web page
- Add an element to the DOM that will be used to display the image inside of
- Use CSS to position the element on the page along with the desired width and height
- Call the enable() api to prepare the element to display images
- Load an image using the loadImage() api
- Display the loaded image using the displayImage() api
See the minimal example for the minimum code required to use cornerstone. Building on this, a web developer could optionally do the following:
- Specify Viewport parameters such as window width/window center, zoom and pan. The viewport can be specified when calling the displayImage() api or at a later time by calling setViewport api call
- Listen for the CornerstoneImageRendered eventso it can draw on the image (e.g. annotations)
- Listen to the CornerstoneViewportUpdated eventevent so it can be aware of changes to the images Viewport properties
- Implement a custom ImageLoader that can retrieve images stored in a non standard container or via a non standard protocol
- Call resize() to notify cornerstone when the DOM element's size changes
You may also want to include the Cornerstone Tools Library for ready to go tools such as ww/wc, pan, zoom and measurements.