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The `creature` table

contains individual creature spawn data. Spawn of a creature is an instance of the creature object in the world.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI None auto_increment
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO MUL 0
map smallint(5) unsigned NO MUL 0
spawnMask tinyint(3) unsigned NO 1
phaseMask smallint(5) unsigned NO 1 (WotLK+)
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
orientation float NO 0
spawntimesecsmin int(10) unsigned NO 120
spawntimesecsmax int(10) unsigned NO 120
spawndist float NO 5
MovementType tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


A unique identifier given to each creature to distinguish one creature from another. Two creatures can NOT have same GUID.

WoTLKDB reserved guid range 500000 โ€“ 599999 for Northrend ONLY creatures.


The id of the template that is used when instantiating this creature. See creature_template.entry


The Map ID of the position of the creature. See Map.dbc


Controls under which difficulties the creature will be spawned.

Value Comment
0 Not spawned
1 Spawned only in 10-man-normal versions of maps (includes maps without a heroic mode)
2 Spawned only in 25-man-normal versions of maps (or heroics pre 3.2)
4 Spawned only in 10-man heroic versions of maps
8 Spawned only in 25-man-heroic versions of maps
15 Spawned in all versions of maps


Defines which phase the creature belongs. 1 is default phase, rest are from spellโ€™s aura 261, (Aura #261) (4) = phasemask = 4.


The X position of the creature.


The Y position of the creature.


The Z position of the creature.


The orientation of the creature. (North = 0.0; South = pi (3.14159))


The minimum respawn time of the creature in seconds.


The maximum respawn time of the creature in seconds.

If both spawntimesecsmin and spawntimesecsmax are 0, creature will not respawn. only scripted respawn


The maximum distance that the creature should spawn from its spawn point. Also controls how far away the creature can walk from its spawn point if its MovementType = 1.

Value Comment
-1 Orientation change only โ€“ not implemented currently
5 Default random movement value


See creature_template.MovementType for possible values.

creature_movement and creature_movement_template need to have MovementType set to 2,3,4 for a guid.

spawn_group / waypoint_path spawns should use 0 for all creatures of that spawn_group.

Value Name Comment
0 IDLE_MOTION_TYPE No Movement โ€“ IdleMovementGenerator
1 RANDOM_MOTION_TYPE Random Movement with spawndist โ€“ RandomMovementGenerator
2 WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE 123.123 โ€“ WaypointMovementGenerator
3 PATH_MOTION_TYPE 123.123 โ€“ Spline Movement, All Waypoints are send in creature update packet (e.g flight paths) โ€“ PathMovementGenerator
4 LINEAR_WP_MOTION_TYPE โ€“ WaypointMovementGenerator
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