DebugConsole - cloudwu/skynet GitHub Wiki

skynet 自带了一个调试控制台服务。你需要在你的启动脚本里启动它。

Skynet has a built-in debug console and you can run it from starting script.


这里的示例是监听 8000 端口,你可以修改成别的端口。

In this example, it's listening on port 8000 and it's configurable.

出于安全考虑,调试控制台只能监听本地地址 ,所以如果需要远程使用,需要先登录到本机,然后再连接。

For safety purpose, debug console only listen on local address:, to use it remotely, please login into local machine and then connect.

可以用 telnet 或 nc 登录调试控制台。启动后会显示

You can use telnet or nc to log in and debug the console. After starting it shows:

Welcome to skynet console


That means it connects successfully.

注:由于 skynet 使用自己的 IO 库,所以很难把 libreadline 接入(不能在 readline 的 hook 中 yield)。如果你希望在控制台中使用 readline 的 history 等特性,可以自己使用 rlwrap 。

Note: Because Skynet is using its own IO lib, so it's hard to hook up libreadline (you cannot use yield in hook function of readline). If you want to use the history of readline in your debug console, try using rlwrap.

这时,你可以输入调试指令,输入 help 可以列出目前支持的所有指令。这份文档可能落后于实际版本,所以应以 help 列出的指令为准。

Then, you can input debug commands, input help to list all supported commands. These commands are subject to change, check help for the latest.

命令的一般格式是 命令 地址 ,有些命令不带地址,会针对所有的服务。当输入地址时,可以使用 :01000001 这样的格式指代一个服务地址:由冒号开头的 8 位 16 进制数字,也可以省略前面两个数字的 harbor id 以及接下来的连续 0 ,比如 :01000001 可以简写为 1 。所有活动的服务可以输入 list 列出。

A command usually has this format: command address, some of the commands have no address and are for all services, try using: 01000001 this format to specify a service address: column prefix 8 digits hex value, r you can emit the first two digits and following 0s, eg: 01000001 is short for 1. All active services can be listed using the list command.

同时也支持使用 curl 发送 HTTP GET 请求来执行命令:

It also supports using curl to send HTTP GET requests to execute commands:

> curl --http0.9 --noproxy "*" ''
Welcome to skynet console
:01000004       snlua cmaster
:01000005       snlua cslave
:01000007       snlua datacenterd
:01000008       snlua service_mgr
:0100000a       snlua protoloader
:0100000b       snlua console
:0100000c       snlua debug_console 8000
:0100000d       snlua simpledb
:0100000e       snlua watchdog
:0100000f       snlua gate
> curl --http0.9 --noproxy "*" '"LIST"'
Welcome to skynet console
1       protoloader::0100000a
n       1

常用的针对所有 lua 服务的指令有:

The most used commands for Lua services are:

  • list 列出所有服务,以及启动服务的命令参数。
  • list lists all commands and the command params to start service.
  • gc 强制让所有 lua 服务都执行一次垃圾回收,并报告回收后的内存。
  • gc force Lua service execute garbage collection and report updated memory usage.
  • mem 让所有 lua 服务汇报自己占用的内存。(注:它只能获取 lua 服务的 lua vm 内存占用情况,如果需要 C 模块中内存使用报告,请参考 MemoryHook
  • mem make all Lua services report their memory usage. (Note: it only contains the Lua VM memory of Lua service, if c module memory usage is also needed, please refer to MemoryHook.
  • stat 列出所有 lua 服务的消息队列长度,以及被挂起的请求数量,处理的消息总数。如果在 Config 里设置 profile 为 true ,还会报告服务使用的 cpu 时间。
  • stat list the message queue length of all Lua services and number of the pending requests, processed messages. If profile is set to true in Config, it'll report CPU time usage.
  • service 列出所有的唯一 lua 服务。并显示出请求还不存在的服务被挂起的请求。
  • service list all single Lua services and show pending requests that send to non-exist services.
  • netstat 列出网络连接的概况。
  • netstat list network status.

注意,由于这些指令是挨个向每个服务发送消息并等待回应,所以当某个 lua 服务过载时,可能需要等待很长时间才有返回。

Note, because all these commands are sent to all services and wait for a response, so if one Lua service is overloaded, it might take a while to get a response.

针对单个 lua 服务的指令有:

  • start service_name 用 skynet.newservice 启动一个新的 lua 服务。
  • start service_name use skynet.newservice to start a new Lua service.
  • snax service_name 用 snax.newservice 启动一个新的 snax 服务。
  • start service_name use snax.newservice to start a new snax service.
  • exit address 让一个 lua 服务退出。
  • exit address quit a Lua service.
  • kill address 强制中止一个 lua 服务。
  • kill address force quit a Lua service.
  • info address 让一个 lua 服务汇报自己的内部信息,参见 Profile
  • info address make a Lua service report its own internal info, see Profile.
  • signal address sig 向服务发送一个信号,sig 默认为 0 。当一个服务陷入死循环时,默认信号会打断正在执行的 lua 字节码,并抛出 error 显示调用栈。这是针对 endless loop 的 log 的有效调试方法。注:这里的信号并非系统信号。
  • signal address sig sends a single to service, sig defaults to 0. when a service has an infinite loop, the default signal will terminate Lua binary code, and raise an error with the call stack. This is the best way to debug the log of endless loops. Note: the signal here is not the same thing as the system signal.
  • task address 显示一个服务中所有被挂起的请求的调用栈。
  • task address shows the call stack of all pending requests from a specified service.
  • debug address 针对一个 lua 服务启动内置的单步调试器。
  • debug address enables an enbeded single debugger for a specified Lua service.
  • logon/logoff address 记录一个服务所有的输入消息到文件。需要在 Config 里配置 logpath 。
  • logon/logoff address record all input messages to a file. logpath needs to be set in Config.
  • inject address script 将 script 名字对应的脚本插入到指定服务中运行(通常可用于热更新补丁)。
  • inject address script run script file on specified service. (usually, it's used for hot patches).
  • call address 调用一个服务的lua类型接口,格式为: call address "foo", arg1, ... 注意接口名和string型参数必须加引号,且以逗号隔开, address目前支持服务名方式。
  • call address call Lua interface of a service. the format is: call address "foo", arg1, ..., Note the interface name and string type must be quoted and split by ",", address supports service name.
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