Config - cloudwu/skynet GitHub Wiki

English Version


启动 skynet 服务器需要提供一个配置文件,配置文件的编写可以参考 examples/config ,下面是一个简单的配置文件范例:

root = "./"
thread = 8
logger = nil
harbor = 1
address = ""
master = ""
start = "main"	-- main script
bootstrap = "snlua bootstrap"	-- The service for bootstrap
standalone = ""
luaservice = root.."service/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua;"..root.."examples/?.lua"
lualoader = "lualib/loader.lua"
snax = root.."examples/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua"
cpath = root.."cservice/?.so"

这个配置文件实际上就是一段 lua 代码,通常,我们以 key = value 的形式对配置项赋值。skynet 在启动时,会读取里面必要的配置项,并将暂时用不到的配置项以字符串形式保存在 skynet 内部的 env 表中。这些配置项可以通过 skynet.getenv 获取。



  • thread 启动多少个工作线程。通常不要将它配置超过你实际拥有的 CPU 核心数。
  • bootstrap skynet 启动的第一个服务以及其启动参数。默认配置为 snlua bootstrap ,即启动一个名为 bootstrap 的 lua 服务。通常指的是 service/bootstrap.lua 这段代码。
  • cpath 用 C 编写的服务模块的位置,通常指 cservice 下那些 .so 文件。如果你的系统的动态库不是以 .so 为后缀,需要做相应的修改。这个路径可以配置多项,以 ; 分割。

在默认的 bootstrap 代码中还会进一步用到一些配置项:

  • logger 它决定了 skynet 内建的 skynet_error 这个 C API 将信息输出到什么文件中。如果 logger 配置为 nil ,将输出到标准输出。你可以配置一个文件名来将信息记录在特定文件中。
  • logservice 默认为 "logger" ,你可以配置为你定制的 log 服务(比如加上时间戳等更多信息)。可以参考 service_logger.c 来实现它。注:如果你希望用 lua 来编写这个服务,可以在这里填写 snlua ,然后在 logger 配置具体的 lua 服务的名字。在 examples 目录下,有 config.userlog 这个范例可供参考。
  • logpath 配置一个路径,当你运行时为一个服务打开 log 时,这个服务所有的输入消息都会被记录在这个目录下,文件名为服务地址。
  • standalone 如果把这个 skynet 进程作为主进程启动(skynet 可以由分布在多台机器上的多个进程构成网络),那么需要配置standalone 这一项,表示这个进程是主节点,它需要开启一个控制中心,监听一个端口,让其它节点接入。
  • master 指定 skynet 控制中心的地址和端口,如果你配置了 standalone 项,那么这一项通常和 standalone 相同。
  • address 当前 skynet 节点的地址和端口,方便其它节点和它组网。注:即使你只使用一个节点,也需要开启控制中心,并额外配置这个节点的地址和端口。
  • harbor 可以是 1-255 间的任意整数。一个 skynet 网络最多支持 255 个节点。每个节点有必须有一个唯一的编号。
  • 如果 harbor 为 0 ,skynet 工作在单节点模式下。此时 masteraddress 以及 standalone 都不必设置。
  • start 这是 bootstrap 最后一个环节将启动的 lua 服务,也就是你定制的 skynet 节点的主程序。默认为 main ,即启动 main.lua 这个脚本。这个 lua 服务的路径由下面的 luaservice 指定。
  • enablessl 默认为空。如果需要通过 ltls 模块支持 https ,那么需要设置为 true 。


  • cluster 它决定了集群配置文件的路径。

lua 服务由 snlua 提供,它会查找一些配置项以加载 lua 代码:

  • lualoader 用哪一段 lua 代码加载 lua 服务。通常配置为 lualib/loader.lua ,再由这段代码解析服务名称,进一步加载 lua 代码。snlua 会将下面几个配置项取出,放在初始化好的 lua 虚拟机的全局变量中。具体可参考实现。
  • SERVICE_NAME 第一个参数,通常是服务名。
  • LUA_PATH config 文件中配置的 lua_path 。
  • LUA_CPATH config 文件中配置的 lua_cpath 。
  • LUA_PRELOAD config 文件中配置的 preload 。
  • LUA_SERVICE config 文件中配置的 luaservice 。
  • luaservice lua 服务代码所在的位置。可以配置多项,以 ; 分割。如果在创建 lua 服务时,以一个目录而不是单个文件提供,最终找到的路径还会被添加到 package.path 中。比如,在编写 lua 服务时,有时候会希望把该服务用到的库也放到同一个目录下。
  • lua_path 将添加到 package.path 中的路径,供 require 调用。
  • lua_cpath 将添加到 package.cpath 中的路径,供 require 调用。
  • preload 在设置完 package 中的路径后,加载 lua 服务代码前,loader 会尝试先运行一个 preload 制定的脚本,默认为空。
  • snax 用 snax 框架编写的服务的查找路径。
  • profile 默认为 true, 可以用来统计每个服务使用了多少 cpu 时间。在 DebugConsole 中可以查看。会对性能造成微弱的影响,设置为 false 可以关闭这个统计。

另外,你也可以把一些配置选项配置在环境变量中。比如,你可以把 thread 配置在 SKYNET_THREAD 这个环境变量里。你可以在 config 文件中写:


这样,在 skynet 启动时,就会用 SKYNET_THREAD 这个环境变量的值替换掉 config 中的 $SKYNET_THREAD 了。


daemon 配置 daemon = "./" 可以以后台模式启动 skynet 。注意,同时请配置 logger 项输出 log 。

English Version

A config file is needed to start a Skynet server, please refer to examples/config for examples, here is a basic sample:

root = "./"
thread = 8
logger = nil
harbor = 1
address = ""
master = ""
start = "main"	-- main script
bootstrap = "snlua bootstrap"	-- The service for bootstrap
standalone = ""
luaservice = root.."service/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua;"..root.."examples/?.lua"
lualoader = "lualib/loader.lua"
snax = root.."examples/?.lua;"..root.."test/?.lua"
cpath = root.."cservice/?.so"

This config file is actually a block of Lua code, usually, we use key = value to set config value. When Skynet gets started, it'll read required config items, and put the config item that's no in use in the env table in string format. These config items can be accessed with skynet.getenv.

Config items

Required config items:

  • thread how many worker threads will be started. It should be less than the number of CPU cores.
  • bootstrap the first service Skynet starts and its starting parameters. The default config is snlua bootstrap, which is a Lua service with the name bootstrap. It's usually about service/bootstrap.lua script.
  • cpath the location of the service modules in C, which usually refers to the .so files in cservice folder. If your dynamic-link library isn't using .so postfix, you need to change it. To add multiple path values, separate your values with a ; semi-colon.

The default bootstrap script also uses the following config items:

  • logger it sets the output path of Skynet internal C API skynet_error. If the logger is set to nil, the output will be stdout. you can specify a filename for logging.
  • logservice defaults to logger, you can set your own log service (for example log with a timestamp or other info). Please refer to service_logger.c for implementation. Note: if you want to write this service in Luas, you need to set it to snlua and then the Lua service name in logger config. Examples can be found in config.userlog script in the example folder.
  • logpath sets a path, when a service starts and opens log, all input messages of this service will be recorded in this directory, the name of the file is the service address.
  • standalone set this item if start this Skynet process as the main process (Skynet can be a network consists of processes from different machines), that means this process is the main node, it needs a control center and a listening port for other nodes to connect.
  • master set the address and port of control center, if the standalone item is set this should be the same as standalone.
  • address the address and port of the current Skynet node, for the convenience of other nodes to form a network. Not: even if you only need one node, you still need to start a control center and set its address and port.
  • harbor any int range from 1-255. Skynet network supports 255 nodes at most and each node must have a unique id.
  • If harbor is set to 0, Skynet will work as single-node mode, in this case, it's not necessary to set master, address, or standalone item.
  • start that's the last step of bootstrap to start Lua service and it's the main function of your defined Skynet node. It defaults to main from main.lua script. the path of this Lua service is defined by luaservice.
  • enablessl default to nil, set it to true if need ltls module to support HTTPS.

config item used by cluster service:

  • cluster tells the path of the cluster config file.

snlua provides Lua service, it finds the following config items to load Lua script:

  • lualoader which Lua script will be used to load Lua service. it's usually set to lualib/loader.lua, then it'll parse the name of services and load Lua scripts. snlua will load the following items and set them to global variables of initialized Lua VM. Please check the code for details.
  • SERVICE_NAME is the first parameter, it's usually the service name.
  • LUA_PATH lua_path item from config file.
  • LUA_CPATH lua_cpath item from config file.
  • LUA_PRELOAD preload item from config file.
  • LUA_SERVICE luaservice item from config file.
  • luaservice the code path of Lua service. To add multiple path values, separate your values with a semi-colon. If the Lua service is created from a folder, not a single file, the path will be added to package.path. For example, when developing Lua service, you may want to put the libs used by this service in the same folder.
  • lua_path will be put in package.path for require use.
  • lua_cpath will be put in package.cpath for require use.
  • preload after setting paths from package and before loading Lua service scripts, the loader will execute a script from preload if it's set and it defaults to nil.
  • snax the path of services written with snax framework.
  • profile default to true, it's used to calculate how much CPU time each service uses. Check it in DebugConsole. It affects performance slightly, set to false to disable it.

In addition, you can set config items from environment variables. For example, if you want to set thread item with SKYNET_THREAD environment variable. Set it in the config file as follows:


With this, when Skynet starts, it will replace thread item with the environment variable of SKYNET_THREAD.

Daemon Mode

daemon set daemon = "./" to start Skynet in backgroud. Note: please set logger item for logging.