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Opening Compare41 shows the project window dialog. Any existing projects will be displayed under recent projects.

Recent Projects

New button is used for creating a new comparison project. See Project Settings.

Load button is used for loading an existing project that was saved, usually from another machine.


Project Settings

The Project Settings panel configures the connection settings for the databases you want to compare and sets the name and description of the project. For simplicity, it’s recommended to give a unique name for each project.

Project Settings



You can select either Neo4j or Memgraph database.


When using Neo4j, you must install APOC plugin and apply the settings below:*,apoc.*

When using Memgraph, you must edit config file memgraph.conf and enable the settings below:


For larger Memgraph database, you must enable the settings below:



Routing Options

Routing Options refers to the ways in which queries and transactions can be distributed across a Neo4j cluster.


The Routing connection is used when the database server operates within a cluster environment. Instead of directly connecting to the server specified by the given IP, it may route to any member within the cluster.

Point To Point

The Point to Point connection exclusively links to the specified server IP and does not route to any other destination. All queries conducted through this protocol are directed solely to this particular machine, encompassing both read and write queries.


When you're synchronizing a database with triggers and it's part of a cluster, it's crucial to select the specific database that functions as the leader within the cluster. Select the "Routing" option to ensure the synchronization process operates smoothly. This step is particularly important for maintaining consistency and proper functionality in a clustered database environment with triggers.


Security Options


This option uses an unencrypted connection.


This option enables encryption with a full certificate check.


This option allows encryption without performing a certificate check, catering specifically to the use of self-signed certificates.


Hostname and Port

Hostname and port number targeting the entry point to the Neo4j service.


Physical Hostnames (Optional)

Additionally, you have the option to provide a list of IP addresses for routing if the initial connection cannot be established using the provided hostname. Use a colon (“:”) to include a port number, and separate each IP address with a comma.


Username and Password

Neo4j/Memgraph server credentials.



See Neo4j documentation about Connect to a Neo4j DBMS.

See Memgraph documentation about Install Memgraph Lab and connect to a database.


Projects Management

Manage projects by clicking on the three-dots icon besides each project.

Manage Project

Edit projects by clicking on the Edit option in the context menu. This will take you back to the project settings.

Duplicate projects by clicking on the Duplicate option in the context menu. The duplicated project will have the “duplicate” suffix.

Export projects by clicking on the Export option in the context menu. Select a directory where you want to save a copy of the project, then click save.

Delete projects by clicking on the Delete option in the context menu. Note that deleted projects are permanently removed.


Profile Menu

To access the profile menu, click on the user icon on the bottom left.

Profile Menu


License Details

To check the account license details, click on the Info option in the profile menu.




For more information about getting a license, see Creating Account.


Use Another License

Clicking on the Use Another License option in the profile menu displays the login window.


A dialog will show if the license entered is expired.



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