Glossary - circles-arrows/compare41 GitHub Wiki

  • Default Key - a key that is automatically set by Compare41 on each entity in the two databases that contains that key.
  • Entity - a node-type or relationship-type in a graph database.
  • Item - instance / occurrence of an entity in a database. I.e. entity “person”, items: person A, person B, person C.
  • Key - a property or collection of properties (composite key) that uniquely identify an entity. I.e. the properties: first name + last name + date-of-birth, uniquely identify a person.
  • Labels - attributes that group similar nodes together. One or more labels identify a node-type. I.e. a label “person” is used on all nodes representing “persons”. A relationship-type is identified by a single label.
  • Nodes - the main entities or objects in a graph database.
    Node-type - a set of similar nodes in a graph database. I.e. (persons); (locations); (transactions).
  • Property - a named attribute of a node-type or relationship-type. I.e. last name and address are properties of the node-type person.
  • Project - the (stored) set-up, definition and detailed configuration of a comparison between 2 databases in Compare41.
  • Mapping - they way how entities and their properties in one database are linked for comparison to similar entities and properties in the other database that you want to compare with in Compare41.
  • Relationships - the connections between nodes. Sometimes they are referred to as edges or links. I.e. person A [works-at] location Amsterdam.
    Relationship-type - a set of similar relationships between node-types in a graph database. I.e. (person) [:works_at] (location); (person) [:executed] (transaction)


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