Dynamic & Static Properties - circles-arrows/compare41 GitHub Wiki

Entity may occasionally include ad-hoc properties added for specific purposes. To simplify, consider consolidating these ad-hoc properties into a single property. This makes it easier to exclude them when mapping and comparing.

Dynamic properties are used to combine properties and set as one property.

To make a property dynamic, right click on the property and select Mark as dynamic.


When marking properties as dynamic, a new panel will appear showing a list of dynamic properties. Also, making properties dynamic will mark the node as Partially Mapped.


To revert properties to static status, go to the Dynamic Properties panel, select the properties, and right-click to choose Set as static.



The properties converted from dynamic to static will not be mapped. See Mapped Entities.

By setting the default Property Mode to Dynamic for an entity, any newly added properties for that entity will also be Dynamic, and vice versa.

To set the default Property Mode for each entity, choose the entity in the entity panel, click the ⚙️ icon in the properties panel, and switch the Property Mode.


You can also set the default Property Mode from the entity panel by right-clicking the selected entities and selecting the Mark as dynamic menu.


An icon appears when the entity's dynamic property mode is turned on.



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