Labels - circles-arrows/compare41 GitHub Wiki

A Label is a name or identifier to a Node or a Relationship. Labels group similar nodes or relationships together.

Best practices

Excluding labels will sometimes result in grouping entities together that have the same labels left (after the exclusion of one or more labels).


Labels are case-sensitive.

For example, we have an entity that has two labels (OS, Software) and another entity with only a label Software.


When we exclude the label OS, all items of the entity (OS, Software) will be grouped under the Software entity.


Using Wildcards (*)

You can use a wildcard (*) to exclude multiple labels at once.

Starts With (keyword*)

Exclude a label that starts with capital S, you can use S*.


Contains With (*keyword*)

Exclude a label that contains with ch, you can use ch*.


Ends With (*keyword)

Exclude a label that ends with ter, you can use *ter.



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