example wrapper_function_for_radiomics_calculation - cerr/CERR GitHub Wiki

calcGlobalRadiomicsFeatures is the wrapper function for calculating all types of global Radiomics features. It requires the follownig input parameters:

  • scanNum: The index of the scan or the texture map (stored as pseudo scan).
  • structNum: The index of the structure number (as in planC{indexS.structures}).
  • paramS: The parameters used for feature calculation.
  • planC: CERR's planC object. Can be accessed by global planC or by loading the CERR file in Matlab.
paramFileName = 'path/to/json/file/containing/radiomics_settings.json';
paramS = getRadiomicsParamTemplate(paramFileName);
global planC
indexS = planC{end};
strC = {planC{indexS.structures}.structureName};
structNum = getMatchingIndex(paramS.structuresC{1},strC,'exact');
scanNum = getStructureAssociatedScan(structNum,planC);
featS = calcGlobalRadiomicsFeatures(scanNum, structNum, paramS, planC);