Patch wise first order statistics - cerr/CERR GitHub Wiki

Patch-wise first-order statistics are computed over the neighbourhood of each voxel in the ROI.


global planC

% Define the scan and structure indices used for calculation
scanNum = 1;
structNum = 1;

% Get scan array
scan3M  = getScanArray(scanNum,planC);

% Get mask of ROI
mask3M  =  getUniformStr(structNum, planC);

% Get bounds of ROI
[minr, maxr, minc, maxc, mins, maxs] = compute_boundingbox(x3D);
bboxDimV = [minr, maxr, minc, maxc, mins, maxs];

% Compute patch-based statistics
[patchIntM,patchStatM] = firstOrderStatsByPatch(scan3M,bboxDimV,patchSizeV);