JSON settings for ROE (protocols) - cerr/CERR GitHub Wiki

Treatment protocols are defined through JSON files by specifying the total dose and number of fractions. Additionally, JSON files for the models (TCP/BED and NTCP) and clinical criteria to be evaluated are listed for each protocol.

Syntax for treatment protocols

 "name": "Protocol1",  
 "totalDose": D,  
 "numFractions": N,  
 "models": {   
             "model1":{"modelFile" : "modelFileName1.json"},   
             "model2":{"modelFile" : "modelFileName2.json"}    
 "criteriaFile": "criteriaFileName1.json"  


 "name": "Protocol 4Gyx15",  
 "totalDose": 60,  
 "numFractions": 15,
 "models": {  
	    "Esophagitis (Huang)": {"modelFile": "Esophagitis (Huang).json"},  
	    "Pneumonitis(Appelt)": {"modelFile": "Pneumonitis (Appelt-Thor).json"},  
            "BED":{"modelFile": "Lung BED (Jeong).json"}  
 "criteriaFile": "LungCriteria_15x4.json"  

Sample JSON files