DVH metrics in CERR - cerr/CERR GitHub Wiki

DVH metrics in CERR

  • Dose and volume bins are extracted using the following CERR functions
global planC
structNum = 1;   
planNum = 1;
binWidth = 0.05;
[dosesV,volsV] = getDVH(structNum,planNum,planC);
[doseBinsV,volHistV] = doseHist(dosesV,volsV,binWidth);
% Examples
%1. Mean dose
meanDose = calc_meanDose(doseBinsV, volHistV);

%2. Dx ( Min. dose to the hottest x% of the volume)
x = 50;  
Dx = calc_Dx(doseBinsV, volHistV, x);

%3. Vx (Volume receiving at least 'x' Gy in cc)
x = 30;
Vx = calc_Vx(doseBinsV, volHistV, x)