Harun ERKURT - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Profile Picture

Hi, I am Harun. I am a computer engineering student at Boğaziçi University. I work in a company that develops iot applications.

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • Cpp
  • Python
  • TypeScript

Technolojies and Frameworks

  • Spring Boot, Security
  • Hibernate
  • JDBC
  • Rest Api


  • Game Development

Contact Info

CmpE 352 Weekly effort

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attending and managing the meeting 2h Meeting
Editing the Github repo, Creating and customizing main Wiki page, Updating Readme File, Editing and Categorizing labels 1h30m Documentation
Label research 20m Research
Get familiar with GitHub and Git with an udemy course 1h30m Research
Searching for GitHub repositories 30m Research
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Weekly meeting, discussion about the Online Learning Project, discussion about the requirements of the project 2h Meeting
Editing Git Wiki Page and make it more structured. 3h Research, Documentation
I tried to understand the project and prepared questions about it. 2h Documentation, Research
Studied the basic concepts about requirements from the course slides. 1h Research
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 1h40m Meeting
Researching drawing tools for mockups 2h Research
Creating home page mockups for all scenarios and a template for mockups 5h Task
Preparing a user scenario and mockup with my peers as a subgroup 4h30m Task
Doing research on KVKK Rules and documenting it on wiki 4h30m Documentation
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS in which we discussed our requirements with the customer and adapted our requirements accordingly. 1.40h Meeting
Revised the requirements page one more time and added non-funtional requirements with Kadir 1.20h Task
Studied system design from the course slides. 2h Research
Studied UML design patterns from here. 1h Research
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS and held a meeting with peers during the PS. 1.50h Meeting
Studied UML diagrams for the preparation of the class diagram from this UML Class Diagram Tutorial. 1h Research
Studied Use Case Diagram from this tutorial. 1.30h Research
Met with peers and prepared, discussed and taken actions regarding the Class diagram on 05.04.2022 4h Meeting, Task
Met with peers and prepared, discussed and taken actions regarding the Use Case diagram on 06.04.2022 4h Meeting, Task
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS and held a meeting with peers during the PS. 1.30h Meeting
Attended the meeting with team members for the milestone 1 preparation. 2h Task
Prepared the Sequence Diagrams 2h Task
Prepared the summary of work done by me, which was further submitted in the milestone 1 report. 2h Task
Written the executive summary of Milestone 1 report. 2.30h Task
Prepared the list and status of Deliverables sections of Milestone 1 report. 1.30h Task
Prepared the evaluation of tools sections of Milestone 1 report. 4h Task
Made stylistic changes&edits on the Milestone 1 report for further submission. 1.30h Task
Home wiki page edited 1h Task
Helped organize the entire milestone 1 report 3h Task
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended the lecture. 2h Lecture
Attended the PS. 2h Meeting
Studied Web development in general 4h Task
Studied for the course content. 2h Task
Week 8 - Spring Break
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting where we discussed which web framework to choose for the practice application. 2h Meeting
Read and researched the practice app assignment description. 1.30h Task
Studied for the course content: Implementation-Configuration. 3h Task
Studied Django Framework. 3h Task
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Attended the lecture. 2h Lecture
Attended the PS. 2h Lecture
Practiced git and learned various GitHub functionalities. 2h Task
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Attended the lecture. 2h Lecture
Attended the PS. 2h Lecture
Studied Docker and web development basics. 4h Task
Studied API development in general. 3h Task
Week 11 - Practice App
Task Duration Type
Found a wikipedia API, which I will use as an endpoint in the project and learned how to use it. 1.30h Implementation
Implemented the front end of the specify preferences functionality in the practice app. 3h Implementation
Implemented the back-end parts of the API calls, write post and get methods. 7h Implementation
Made a connection with the front end. 1h Implementation
Wrote unit tests 3h Implementation
Bug-fixed the project. 2h Bug-fix
Reviewed many codes and pull requests 5h Review
Prepared the requirements for the practice application 2h Task
Contributed to the use case and class diagrams 1.30h Task
Prepared a sequence diagram for the practice app 1.30h Task
Prepared the executive summary and requirements, diagrams parts of the milestone 2 report 2h Task
Prepared API documentation 1.30h Task
Prepared the individual report for the practice app. 8h Task
Dockerized the application. 6h Task

CMPE451 Weekly Effort

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Met with the team in weekly meeting and discussed how to integrate new team members into the team 1h Meeting
Reviewed Glossary&Requirements Pages 30m Documentation
Reviewed Semantic Search page 1h Documentation
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Studied Android Studio from a tutorial and through experimentation as can be followed in this issue #409 6h Research
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Learning Android Studio from a tutorial and by self experimentation #409 4h Research
Meeting with the android team in which we finished implementing a nicely structured Android project, which I deployed lates #406 12h Meeting
determining how we should develop code and opening related branches #334 4h Implementation
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Attended the customer milestone. 4h Meeting
Development of Sign in page for Android App #439 8h Task
Participated to Meeting #13 1h Meeting
Meeting with the Android team for milestone1 2h Meeting
Harun ERKURT - Individual Contribution Report 1h Task
Preparing a presentation and scenarios for Milestone 1 Customer Meeting 1h Task
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting, PS and Lecture 4h Meeting
Android sign-in page is connected to the backend 442 4h Implementation
Meeting with the Android team 445 4h Meeting
Meeting with the Android team 446 6h Meeting
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting, PS and Lecture 4h Meeting
Studying Retrofit 6h Research
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS and Lecture 3h Meeting
Attended the weekly meeting 2h Meeting
Studying Kotlin 10h Research
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS and Lecture 3h Meeting
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Meeting with Android Team 544 4h Meeting
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Attended the PS and Lecture 3h Meeting
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Development of Homepage #542 4h Implementation
Development of New Architecture for android app #639 12h Implementation
Add open source softwares to the project. Update Gradle and adjust all settings of the app #639 4h Implementation
Make all the designs in the application from scratch #639 15h Implementation
Development of Splash Screen #639 6h Implementation
Backend Connection #639 8h Implementation
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Meeting with Android Team 2h Meeting
Group Review and UI/UX Android for Milestone2. 3h Implementation
Customer Milestone 2 4h Meeting
Re-reading and editing of all milestone 2 3h Task
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