Realistic weaponry(Weapon Series) - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Tsunami
Last Updated: July 17, 2019
In Categories: Packs
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Been here for quite a while, but still in WIP and more to be released
Not 100% real, But pretty real
Some of pandora's guns are pretty weak, imports from earth are superior
(Even though earth doesn't have spaceships flying everywhere, our guns are better)
About all of these weapons are buffed in damage, and based of real weapons.
(Because it's just unreal to take ten hits from a shotgun to kill a unshielded bandit)
You should not change parts on the weapon after you paste the weapon code
Always execute the code as soon as possible when you start the game
M134D-HM Minigun (AKA Mini-Minigun)
Link to Wiki page on the Minigun:
Weapon code required: BL2(hwAAAADkXACABgM/AgEFxGIIxBCMAQGDIYb////////rYvj/r4zh)
10000 Max ammo
2000 Round magazine
Little damage per shot (compared to other realistic weapons)
50.0 firerate (Which is half of the real minigun)
3 seconds to spin at max speed
6 seconds to stop spinning
Regenerates 20 rounds per second
10 second reload
-50% Movement speed
5 Seconds to enquip
5 Seconds to unenquip
Suitable for Short, Med, and Long range, (except that you'll waste more ammo at long range)