Neogenator Super Buff - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Neogenator Super Buff

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: September 06, 2019

In Categories: Cheat Mods

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
(right click and "Save Link As")
View on Github
(after clicking on a mod, right click on "Raw" or
"Download," and then "Save Link As")


An absurdly-OP Neogenator, intended to be used while testing out mods so you don't have to spare a thought about actual combat.

Not recommended for testing mods which impact combat, naturally. Also not intended for regular gameplay; you'll be basically invulnerable even on OP10.


  • Huge capacity
  • Instant regeneration
  • Near instant health regeneration - even if something breaks through, you'll be back up above the health gate basically immediately

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Neogenator Super Buff v1.0.0
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

An absurdly-OP Neogenator, intended to be used while testing out mods so
you don't have to spare a thought about actual combat.  Not recommended
for testing mods which impact combat, naturally.  Also not intended for
regular gameplay; you'll be basically invulnerable even on OP10.


v1.0.0 - September 6, 2019

  • Initial Release
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️