Hardcore Weapons (Plan Scraped) - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Hardcore Weapons (Plan Scraped)

Author: Tsunami

Last Updated: July 17, 2019

In Categories: Packs

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Description (from inside mod)

This is a mod, with weapons that will change how you play the game in combat
it could make the game very hard, or easy, depending on what you are.
these guns will:
Allow you to kill enemies within a few hits, and badass enemies within a dozen hits
Allows all enemies to kill you within a few hits
Disable your shields
Lower your health

This mod and its weapons are still in WIP, they might be changed or adjusted in the future.
There's only one weapon right now, but more weapons that suits other playstyles of this mod will be made later.

(UPDATE: because of the massive amount of negative feedback received, this series will no longer be continued)

My tips for playing this mod:
1. Keep your distance, ranged enemies such as loaders and bandits have bad accuracy, you can drastically decrease your chance to be hit if you stay far away.
2. Watch your map, pay attention to enemies on them, always take out the ones closest to you first.
3. Keep an eye on your ammo, reload with every chance you get, every second matters, if you're reloading when an enemy comes near you, they only needs a few seconds to kill you
4. What do you do when you unexpectedly encounter enemies in close range? Pull the trigger before they do.
5. Don't fight bosses with this, i personally think that you will fail horribly fighting bosses with these guns, even with the extremly high damage, you won't be able to kill them before they kill you.

but if you do manage to kill a boss with these weaponry, well congrats you are a MLG PRO

This gun was tested 23 times in op8, with no BAR or skills, so i recomend playing it that way
My tips for this gun:
Fire the gun in short bursts or one shot, so you can actually hit enemies further away.

G30 Sweeper
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