ChaoticNeutralRelic - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Nytimz

Last Updated: May 23, 2017

In Categories: Relics

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Description (from inside mod)

By Nytimz inspired by Aaron0000's original AmmoRegen modifications.

Renames The Afterburner relic to The Chaotic Neutral relic and:
1) Increases Fire rate upto +33% (-25% decrease in fire interval)
2) Increases Magazine ClipSize upto +45%
3) Regenerates Ammo (excluding rocket launchers)

Similar to equipping a Chaotic Neutral COM but in Relic form. As a bonus, adds Ammo Regen capabilities!
Why did I choose The Afterburner relic to mod? It was one of the few with more than one Effect slot (has 3), along with The Deputy (5) and The Sheriff (5).
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