BL2 Weapons Gear: Relics - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Relics
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Agility Relics, by Aaron0000
Backbone of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
Badass Rounds / Deputy's V.Grip ++ Badge, by Kazy
Better Aggression Relics, by Kazy
Better Bones, by Aaron0000
BetterMysteriousAmulet, by Aaron0000
Blood of terramorphous rework, by Ezeith
Bone, by SirUmnei
BootsOfHaste, by Robeth
Breath_&_Blood_of_Terra_Rarity, by Natsu235
ChaoticNeutralRelic, by Nytimz
CommandoRELIC, by Nytimz
Deathless, by Aaron0000
Health-Leech Moxxi's Endowment, by Aaron0000
Heart of the Ancients, by WarMocK
HeartOfTheTardisRelic, by Zma
Improve Regen relic, by theNocturni
Might, by SirUmnei
Monster of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
No Level Moxxi's Endowment, by Handbra
Profanity of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
Relic Overhaul V1.1b by Orudeon, by Orudeon
StoneMask, by AutumnWitch
The Replenisher, by SirUmnei
TheTaestingRelic, by ozay3444
VaultHunter, by Shadowevil
White Tiger, by TheRealVenom
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