BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: July 21, 2019

In Categories: Cheat Mods, Brand Overhauls, General QoL

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This mod vastly improves the starting accuracy of all Hyperion weapons, and greatly decreases the time it takes for them to reach peak accuracy. This is most notable with pistols, SMGs, and sniper rifles, though shotguns received a small buff as well. Sniper rifles in particular have basically no initial sway to the targetting, so Hyperion snipers aren't totally useless anymore. The Bitch, which already had its own buffs to accuracy, basically starts off as accurate as it can be.

This mod obviously makes Hyperion weaponry rather OP -- it should really be paired with a mod to decrease damage or otherwise make up for the lack of a downside for Hyperion weapons, but I've never been one to worry about using OP weapons.

There are two options to choose between, in the Choose Improvement Level folder. The default option will apply the maximum improvement to all rarities of gear, so white weapons are improved just as much as purples are. The other option, Lower Rarities Receive Less Improvement will reserve the best improvement for purple/e-techs/legendary/pearl/seraph weapons. Whites will still receive a small boost with this option, but it won't be nearly as good as the higher-tiered weapons.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers v1.0.0
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Vastly improves the starting accuracy of Hyperion weapons, and
the time it takes for them to achieve peak accuracy.


v1.0.0, July 21, 2019:

  • Initial public release
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