BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: November 18, 2019

In Categories: Rocket Launchers, Joke Mods

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This mod converts the Mongol to be the Happy Horizontal People Transporter©®, a device which enables your enemies (and friends!) to travel around Pandora in style, with the best vantage points on the planet! Despite the name, the Happy Horizontal People Transporter©® is pleased to transport your foes vertically as well as horizontally, returning them eventually back to the Pandoran surface with the knowledge of a job well done, all thanks to the patented Integrated Transport Solutions™ module!

Perhaps once they've seen firsthand the fragility and beauty of the world they call home, your enemies will return to the ground with a friendlier, fresh perspective and a skip in their step! Or they might just be crankier and want to kill you even more.

The Happy Horizontal People Transporter©® does no damage to enemies directly, and does not consume ammo like ordinary rocket launchers. Feel free to provide Integrated Transport Solutions™ to the denizens of Pandora, free of charge!

By default, the Happy Horizontal People Transporter©® will only affect your foes on Pandora, but it can be configured to provide you and your co-op partners with a fast and easy way to navigate the Pandoran landcape. Note that due to fluctuations in the local digistruct firmament, this configuration option will cause singularity grenades to affect you and your teammates as well, so be careful out there!

The Integrated Transport Solutions™ module is configured by default to provide a nice quick jaunt across the landscape for 7.5 seconds, but can optionally be configured to last up to 30 seconds, or as short as 2.5. You are in control of your destiny, and the destiny of your foes, with Integrated Transport Solutions™!

The Happy Horizontal People Transporter©® is redeemable easily with the following Gibbed code:


It can also be found wherever a Mongol might have otherwise been found.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter v1.0.2
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

See Pandora from a whole new perspective!  Replaces the Mongol.
Gibbed code: BL2(hwAAAACJ2gBCJ4M/ChEIVKIYQ2GKogDFGgoIFBwo/v+fovj/34ri)

Youtube Videos


v1.0.2 - November 18, 2019

  • Explicitly lock the main projectile to its intended speed, in case the user has a mod enabled which alters it (such as my Faster Rockets and Gyrojets mod). That way there'll at least be an overwrite alert in BLCMM.

v1.0.1 - July 29, 2019

  • Changed name to include BL2, so there's no confusion between this and the TPS version.
  • Fixed the displayed verison number inside the mod, too.

v1.0.0 - July 26, 2019

  • Initial Release
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