P2P Networker Element Fix - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: Apocalyptech
Contact: https://apocalyptech.com/contact.php
Last Updated: August 01, 2022
Most Recent Version: 1.0.0
In Categories: Bugfixes, General
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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P2P Networker Element Fix
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The P2P Networker is an unfinished gun which can't be legitimately acquired in BL3, but has a valid balance and can be spawned in. (It's included in my Expanded Legendary Pools mod, for instance.) One quirk of the gun is that it's a Maliwan gun but without a secondary element, but you can still try and switch to the secondary element to see an amusing "gun team plz fix name" message.
This mod correctly adds in a secondary element to the gun, so it'll function like other Maliwan weapons.
Note: This only applies to freshly-spawned P2P Networkers. Any P2P Networker already in your inventory (or item code from a previous gun) will still only have the single element. It needs to be a fresh spawn, with this mod active.
P2P Networker is an unfinished/unreleased gun that's still present in the
BL3 data. It's basically a more-powerful redistributor. One thing broken
about it is that it only has a primary element, but will still let you
'switch' elements, which results in a message like 'GUN TEAM FIX NAME PLZ'
in the game's UI. Amusing as that is, this mod will add in a secondary
element to the gun, so that it can be switched properly just like any other
Maliwan weapon.
Generated by gen_p2p_networker_element_fix.py
Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)
- Updated to use new metadata tags (no functionality change)
Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)
- Added contact info to mod header
v1.0.0 - Sep 26, 2020
- First versioned release