Other: Joke Mods - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Other: Joke Mods
Borderlands 3 Mods
Djira Ball, by CZ47
Enemy Equips: All The Shoddy, by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (all), by Apocalyptech
Enemy Equips: Legendaries (typelocked), by Apocalyptech
Fabricator: Eridium, by Apocalyptech
Fabricator: Rapid-Fire, by Apocalyptech
Fabricator: Replicator, by Apocalyptech
God Bear, by SSpyR
God Clone, by SSpyR
God Skag, by SSpyR
Gun Gun, by SpiderLenny
Infinite Slide, by Apocalyptech
Key Eridium Fabricator, by CraZy Marty 695
Money Grenade Changes: Diamond Keys, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Eridium, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Grenades, by Apocalyptech
Money Grenade Changes: Loot, by Apocalyptech
PetZilla, by Phenom
PokePet, by Phenom
PokePetZilla, by Phenom
Power Ranger Clone, by Phenom
Sizemod: NPC Big-lands (2.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Giant-lands (5.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Huge-lands (3.0x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Smol-lands (0.7x), by Apocalyptech
Sizemod: NPC Tiny-lands (0.4x), by Apocalyptech
Slide Jumper, by Poïpoï
Taste of Defeet, by CZ47
VolleyBall Amara, by Phenom
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