More Visible ECHO Logs - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki

More Visible ECHO Logs

Author: Apocalyptech


Last Updated: August 01, 2022

Most Recent Version: 1.0.0

In Categories: General QoL

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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More Visible ECHO Logs
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OHL (web loading): Create a shortcut by dragging into a folder
B3HM (web loading): Right click and "Copy Link"


Makes ECHO log loot bars (and any other item using the same bar definition in the game data, which includes mission items) much bigger and noticeable. I wrote this to help me spot the odd ECHO that I might have missed during playthroughs.

Note that the game does not typically draw loot bars for items which are hidden behind level geometry, so you generally still have to have roughly line-of-sight to the ECHO in question, to see the loot bar at all. This can lead to some situations where strafing slightly to one direction might cause a huge loot bar to suddenly appear.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Alters the loot bar for ECHO logs (and coincidentally mission-related pickups,
and anything else using that smallish cyan bar) so that it's *much* taller and
a bit wider, to be more easily visible from a distance.  Put this together
because even after a few playthroughs I wasn't sure if I'd heard all the ECHOs
yet, and these might help me suss a few more out.

Technically this also lengthens the ammo/eridium/health/money/booster bars a bit,
but only by a very small amount.

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Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)

Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)

  • Added contact info to mod header

v1.0.0 - Sep 26, 2020

  • First versioned release
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