Mega TimeSaver XL - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: Apocalyptech
Last Updated: January 23, 2023
Most Recent Version: 1.0.0
In Categories: General QoL
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Mega TimeSaver XL
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This mod aims to speed up nearly all the noticeably-slow interactive objects that you use throughout BL3. It's focused mostly on things you directly interact with, though it does include other speedups like NPC walking speeds, where appropriate. The mod doesn't attempt to do any dialogue or mission skips -- all content in the game should still be available.
NOTE: Parts of this mod currently require using OpenHotfixLoader (OHL) instead of B3HM. If B3HM v1.0.2 ever gets released, that version should be supported too, but v1.0.1 will not give you 100% mod functionality with this mod.
A sampling of the things this mod affects:
- Lootable Containers, Doors, Elevators, Slot Machines, Lost Loot Machine, Diamond Armory, etc...
- Vehicle interaction animations (hijacking, entering, leaving, changing seats)
- Catch-A-Ride Digistruct Speed
- Fast Travel / Teleport / Respawning (no more digistruct tunnel!)
- Eridian tools (Resonator, Analyzer)
- Removed startup countdown for: Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, Takedown at the Guardian Breach, and Arm's Race
- A lot of mission-and-map-specific animations throughout the game
- Many characters' walking/sprinting speeds have been improved. The speedup is, in general, a little less than CZ47's Faster NPCs mod, so execute that one after this one if you want some NPCs to be even faster. The list of affected NPCs is a bit different between the two, as well. Characters affected by this mod:
- Ace Baron (from Healers and Dealers)
- Ava (base game and DLC6 version)
- Brick
- BUD Bot
- Bureaucracy Bot (Form Bot)
- Clay (base game and DLC6 version)
- Claptrap (base game and DLC6 version)
- Digby Vermouth
- Drunk William (from Quick and the Quickerer)
- Ellie
- Failurebot
- Gaige
- Glenn the Ratch
- Joy
- Liam (Atlas HQ Guard)
- Lilith
- Maya
- McSmugger
- Oletta
- P.A.T.
- Slim (from Quick and the Quickerer)
- Terry the Ratch
- Timothy Lawrence
- Tina
- Typhon
- Vic (from Head Case)
- VIP Valet
Speeds up nearly all the noticeably-slow interactive objects that you
use throughout BL3. This includes containers, doors, elevators,
slot machines, vehicle entering/exiting, respawning, teleporting,
using Eridian tools, Takedown countdowns, a ton of mission and level
specific objects, and also speeds up a bunch of NPC walk/sprint
speeds so you spend less time waiting for NPCs to move around.
Note that this mod does NOT do any dialogue or mission skips -- all
content in the game should still be available.
See the README for some known quirks and bugs, and for a TODO list
which may or may not ever get finished up. Enjoy!
Generated by
Item Pickups
v1.0.0 - January 23, 2023
- Reduced our "standard" speed improvement from 5x to 4x (except for doors)
- Bugfixes:
- Fixed Typhon Dead Drop Chests
- Tightened up various chest-opening animations (including digistruct contents)
- Fixed garage door timing in The Droughts during Bad Reception (to get the umbrella) to be a bit less weird
- Fixed initial card draws in Handsome Jackpot blackjack tables
- Fixed a visual glitch in the locker holding Ember's tools, in Impound Deluxe.
- Added character movement speedups:
- Ace Baron (from Healers and Dealers)
- Ava (base game and DLC6 version)
- Brick
- BUD Bot
- Bureaucracy Bot (Form Bot)
- Claptrap (DLC6 version)
- Clay (base game and DLC6 version)
- Digby Vermouth
- Drunk William (from Quick and the Quickerer)
- Ellie
- Failurebot
- Gaige
- Glenn the Ratch
- Joy
- Liam (Atlas HQ guard)
- Maya
- McSmugger
- Oletta
- P.A.T.
- Slim (from Quick and the Quickerer)
- Terry the Ratch
- Timothy Lawrence
- Tina
- Typhon
- Vic (from Head Case)
- VIP Valet
- Elevators!
- Extra Doors:
- Meridian Metroplex hub door
- Skywell-27 post-thruster-disabling door
- Gate to the back half of the Homestead, in Splinterlands
- Largeish Eridian doors in Pyre of Stars
- Entrance to Timothy's hideout in The Spendopticon
- Crypt-opening door in Cold Case: Buried Questions, in Cursehaven
- A couple doors from DLC6
- Other Additions:
- Slot Machines
- Lost Loot Machine
- Diamond Armory
- Vault Card chest-opening animation (except in Pyre of Stars)
- Fast-travel/teleport/resurrect skips
- ECHO cartridge playing animation
- Photo Mode activation time
- Mission-Specific Animations:
- Statue scanner/printer from Golden Calves
- Coffee-pouring animation during Rise and Grind (pretty slight improvement, and if localization dialogue other than English happens to be longer, it's possible that some dialogue might get cut off)
- Second Bell-of-Peace door opening on Athenas
- Rhys's sliding desk in Atlas HQ
- Ava's shock reaction after Maya's death
- Pippie digging animation in Witch's Brew
- Lots of Jakobs Estate-specific animations: exploding statues, sliding portraits, spinning bookshelves, stage props
- Sliding bed in "Sacked"
- Chasm-jump timer in Rumble in the Jungle
- BALEX / EMS Bot door-opening scanning
- Splinterlands Car Grinder
- Golden Chariot crane-lowering
- Fragile overhead pipe in Konrad's Hold
- Handsome Jack portrait in Konrad's Hold
- Eridian statue rotation in Tazendeer Ruins
- Some tweaks to a dialogue trigger at the top of the Tazendeer Ruins elevator
- Bridge-raising animation at the top of Tazendeer Ruins elevator
- Rising Eridian statues in Pyre of Stars
- Rising platforms in Pyre of Stars
- Rocket launch in Fire in the Sky
- Removed start countdown in Arm's Race
- Initial crystal pads in Guardian Takedown, on Minos Prime
- Bookshelf puzzle in Villa Ultraviolet
- Descending fountain in Villa Ultraviolet
- Hyperway travel in The Spendopticon
- Bridge extension back to Freddie's lair at the end of Impound Deluxe
- "Key To Happiness" timer in The Compactor, on the way into Trashlantis
- Ultra-Thermite opening the door to VIP Tower
- Various Call of the Deep tweaks, in Skittermaw basin: power coil panel, crane animations, Gythian blood jar.
- Mission-close delay after returning recordings to DJ Midnight in The Lodge
- Secret wall in crypt in Cursehaven
- Brew-mixing machinery in The Cankerwood
- Desk drawers in hidden elevator in Heart's Desire
- Artillery cannon for Money Back Guarantee, in The Blastplains
- Castle Crimson catapult animations
- Don't Call it A Rorschach Ink-Blot Pipes, in Benediction of Pain
- Possibly one or two other things I forgot to put in here, though I think the list is pretty exhaustive.
Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)
- Updated to use new metadata tags (no functionality change)
Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)
- Added contact info to mod header
v0.9.1 - May 10, 2021
- Mod file was rebuilt using some updated backend infrastructure; no
actual changes, but some values changed from integers to floats
, for instance)
v0.9.0 - March 10, 2021
- Initial beta release. Incomplete, but should be handy regardless!