Heart of Gold: Better Gifts - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki

Heart of Gold: Better Gifts

Author: Apocalyptech

Contact: https://apocalyptech.com/contact.php

Last Updated: August 01, 2022

Most Recent Version: 1.0.0

In Categories: Quest Changes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Heart of Gold: Better Gifts
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In the DLC1 mission "Heart of Gold," I've always felt like it'd be less pathetic if Joy turned out to be sitting on a huge fortune or something, so this bumps up the gifts you get at the end of Heart of Gold. This doesn't really make a vast difference, really, but it does up the quantity of drops by 4x, and introduces Eridium stacks to the gifts.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

I always felt that the gifts you get from Joy in the mission 'Heart
of Gold' are a bit pathetic.  Not that you need the resources or
anything, but IMO it'd be nicer if it turned out that Joy was sitting
on a small fortune all this time.

Buffing this up to *actually* impressive levels isn't really possible
but we can at least bump up the quantity and throw in Eridium as well,
which may make it seem more impressive.

Generated by gen_heart_of_gold_better_gifts.py


Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)

Jun 16, 2021 (no version number change)

  • Added contact info to mod header

v1.0.0 - Sep 26, 2020

  • First versioned release
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