General Gameplay and Balance: Mayhem Mode Changes - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: General Gameplay and Balance: Mayhem Mode Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands - Mayhem Mode Modifier Adjustments, by Aaron0000
Better Mayhem Rewards, by Apocalyptech
Decreased Mayhem Enemy Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Big Kick Energy, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Galaxy Brain, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Lootsplosion, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): More Than Okay Boomer, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Slayer, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Easy): Speed Demon, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Boundary Issues, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Chain Gang, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Drone Ranger, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Laser Fare, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Pool Party, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Hard): Ticked Off, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Acid Reign, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Charred Mode, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Chilling Them Softly, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Floor is Lava, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Freeze Tag, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Healy Avenger, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): High Voltage, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Mob Mentality, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Pain Tolerance, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Medium): Totally Radical, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Buddy System, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Dazed and Infused, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Holy Crit, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Not the Face, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Post Mortem, by Apocalyptech
Disable Mayhem Modifier (Very Hard): Rogue Lite, by Apocalyptech
Enhanced Enemies Mayhem10, by CZ47
Increased Endgame Difficulty, by CZ47
Mayhem 2 No Modifiers, by SSpyR
Mayhem Mode Configurator, by Apocalyptech
Mayhem Modifier Nerfs, by Apocalyptech
Mayhem Overhaul, by PHM2D
MayhemScaled StatuseffectDamage, by CZ47
No Mayhem Drop Scaling, by Apocalyptech
Oldschool Mayhem, by lollixlii
Redux, by EpicNNG
Remove Mayhem Gear Bonuses, by Apocalyptech
Slayer Modifier Booster Change, by Apocalyptech
Taste of Defeet, by CZ47
Undo Mayhem Loot Hotfix (April 8, 2021), by notrixatenza
World Drop scales with your level, by Grimm
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