hidebar - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybinding
hidebar N/A N/A

The hidebar function disables the display of the bar for the current monitor.

This is a special function which combined with the showbar function can be used for setups where the bar is hidden by default, but is only shown when a key or key combination is held down.

Note that the hidebar function will only have an effect if the bar was previously not shown and the display of the bar was enabled via the showbar function.

This is to avoid the bar unintentionally being hidden when it is intentionally enabled using the togglebar function.

The initshowbar configuration item in config.h can be used to hide the bars on startup.

static const int initshowbar = 0;   /* 0 means no bar */

There are no default keybindings for this function.

External command:

duskc run_command hidebar  # disable display of the bar for the current monitor

Back to Functions > Bar.

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