SchemeNorm - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

The SchemeNorm colour scheme is used:

  • as the default colour scheme for the bar and
  • as the default colour scheme for bar modules and
  • as the default fallback colour scheme and
  • as the colour scheme for the systray bar module

The default colour scheme for bar modules can be controlled by the scheme option in the bar rules.

static const BarRule barrules[] = {
   /* monitor  bar    scheme   lpad rpad value  alignment               sizefunc                  drawfunc                 clickfunc                 hoverfunc                 name */
   {  0,       0,     0,       10,  0,   0,     BAR_ALIGN_RIGHT,        size_status,              draw_status,             click_status,             NULL,                     "status0" },
   {  0,       0,     0,       10,  0,   1,     BAR_ALIGN_RIGHT,        size_status,              draw_status,             click_status,             NULL,                     "status1" },
   {  0,       0,     0,       10,  0,   2,     BAR_ALIGN_RIGHT,        size_status,              draw_status,             click_status,             NULL,                     "status2" },
   {  0,       0,     0,       10,  0,   3,     BAR_ALIGN_RIGHT,        size_status,              draw_status,             click_status,             NULL,                     "status3" },
                      ^-- scheme of 0 means SchemeNorm

This is used in the event that the bar module does not explicitly control the colour scheme.

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⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️