ctakes chunker - apache/ctakes GitHub Wiki

In cTAKES when we refer to a "chunker" we often mean a shallow parser, i.e. a component that tags noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.
This project provides a Apache UIMA wrapper around the popular Apache OpenNLP chunker.

Annotation Engines
Piper Files

Annotation Engines


Annotator that generates chunks of any kind as specified by the chunker model and the chunk creator.

Source class: Chunker
Source package: org.apache.ctakes.chunker.ae
Parent class: org.apache.uima.fit.component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase
Dependencies: Sentence, Base Token
Products: Chunk

Parameter Description Class Required Default
ChunkCreatorClass The class that will create the chunks String No org.apache.ctakes.chunker.ae. DefaultChunkCreator
ChunkerModelFile Model file for OpenNLP chunker String No org/apache/ctakes/chunker/models/ chunker-model.zip

Thread safe Chunker

Annotator that generates chunks of any kind as specified by the chunker model and the chunk creator.

Source class: ThreadSafeChunker
Source package: org.apache.ctakes.chunker.concurrent
Parent class: org.apache.ctakes.chunker.ae.Chunker
Dependencies: Sentence, Base Token
Products: Chunk

Parameter Description Class Required Default
ChunkCreatorClass The class that will create the chunks String No org.apache.ctakes.chunker.ae. DefaultChunkCreator
ChunkerModelFile Model file for OpenNLP chunker String No org/apache/ctakes/chunker/models/ chunker-model.zip


Chunk Adjuster

Annotator that uses a pattern and a rule about that pattern to adjust certain annotations.

Source class: ChunkAdjuster
Source package: org.apache.ctakes.chunker.ae.adjuster
Parent class: org.apache.uima.fit.component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase
Dependencies: Sentence, Chunk

Parameter Description Class Required Default
ChunkPattern The pattern of chunks that trigger an adjustment String[] Yes
IndexOfTokenToInclude The index of the token in the pattern to extend to the end offset int Yes

Piper Files

Chunker Sub Pipe

Commands and parameters to create a default chunker processing sub-pipeline.

Chunker Sub Pipe

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Commands and parameters to create a default chunker processing sub-pipeline. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// This is not a full pipeline. }}$

$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{add}}$ Chunker
$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{addDescription}}$ $\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{adjuster.ChunkAdjuster}}$ NP,NP 1
$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{addDescription}}$ $\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{adjuster.ChunkAdjuster}}$ NP,PP,NP 2

Ts Chunker Sub Pipe

Commands and parameters to create a thread-safe default chunker processing sub-pipeline.

Ts Chunker Sub Pipe

$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// Commands and parameters to create a thread-safe default chunker processing sub-pipeline. }}$
$\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{// This is not a full pipeline. }}$

$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{add}}$ $\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{concurrent.ThreadSafeChunker}}$
$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{addDescription}}$ $\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{adjuster.ChunkAdjuster}}$ NP,NP 1
$\textcolor{green}{\textbf{addDescription}}$ $\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{adjuster.ChunkAdjuster}}$ NP,PP,NP 2

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