Anafora XML Reader (DeepPhe) |
Reads annotations from DeepPhe schema Anafora XML files in a directory. |
Anafora XML Reader (Metastasis) |
Reads annotations from DeepPhe schema Anafora XML files in a directory. |
Annotation Remover |
Removes annotations of a given type from the JCas. |
ArtemisStarter |
Starts an Apache Artemis broker. |
ArtemisStopper |
Stops an Apache Artemis broker. |
Chunk Adjuster |
Annotator that uses a pattern and a rule about that pattern to adjust certain annotations. |
ClearNLP Dependency Parser |
Analyses Sentence Structure, storing information in nodes. |
ClearNLP Dependency Parser |
Analyses Sentence Structure, storing information in nodes. |
CommandRunner |
Runs an external process. |
Coreference Copier |
Copy relations from Gold viewCas to current |
Coreference Score Writer |
Writes scores of system coreference chains compared to chains in a Gold View. |
CtakesRunner |
Starts a new instance of cTAKES with the given piper parameters. |
Deprecated Finished Logger |
use FinishedLogger in (sub) package log. |
Document ID Printer |
Logs the Document ID to Log4j and Standard Output. |
Drug Copier |
Copies data from an existing JCas into a new JCas. |
ExitForcer |
Forcibly Exits cTAKES. Use only at the end of a pipeline. |
Finished Logger |
Writes a banner message COMPLETE to the log when all processing is finished. |
Gold Annotation Copier |
Copies an annotation type from the Gold view to the System view. |
Gold Stats Calculator |
Count various stats such as token and relation counts based on the gold standard data. |
Gold View Merger |
Read in gold annotations from XMI and create a view within the current CAS, and copy the gold annotations into the new view within the current CAS. |
I2B2 Challenge Reader |
Reads entities and their properties from file. |
I2B2 XML Reader (THYME) |
Reads annotations from THYME schema I2B2 XML files in a directory. |
Identified Annotation Expander |
Enlarges the text span of an identified annotation based upon part of speech. |
JCas Copy Annotator |
Copies document text and all annotations into a new JCas. |
Knowtator XML Reader (Generic) |
Read named entity annotations from knowtator xml files into the CAS. |
Knowtator XML Reader (MiPACQ) |
Reads annotations from MiPACQ schema Knowtator XML files in a directory. |
Knowtator XML Reader (SHARP) |
Reads annotations from SHARP schema Knowtator XML files in a directory. |
Knowtator XML Reader (THYME) |
Reads annotations from THYME schema Knowtator XML files in a directory. |
Markable Expander (MiPACQ) |
Expands Markable text spans to cover a noun phrase. |
Markable Pair Creator (MiPACQ) |
Pairs Markables using a stop word list. |
Metamap Annotation xlater |
Create MedicationEventMention/EntityMention annotations for each set of CandidateConcept annotations that span the same text. |
MrsDrSentenceJoiner |
Joins Sentences with person titles Mr. Mrs. Dr. that have been split by SentenceDetectorBIO. |
Null Annotator |
Does absolutely nothing. |
Overlap Annotator |
Removes or modifies annotations that overlap. |
PatientNoteCollector |
Caches each Document JCas in a Patient JCas as a View. |
PbjJmsSender |
Sends jcas to Artemis Queue using JMS |
PbjPipper |
Will pip PBJ based upon user request. |
PbjReceiver |
Populates JCas based upon XMI content read from an Artemis Queue. |
PbjStompSender |
Sends jcas to Artemis Queue using Stomp |
PiperFileRunEngine |
Analysis Engine that executes the PiperFileRunner. Kludge for desc files (CPE). |
PythonPipper |
Will pip a specified python package. |
PythonRunner |
Starts a Python process with the given parameters. |
Start or Finish Logger |
Simple Annotator to place before and after other annotators that do not Log their Start and Finish. |
Timex Annotator |
Annotates absolute time / date Temporal expressions into a View. |