New Project Quick‐Start - anconaesselmann/CLSPM GitHub Wiki

You just started a project or you are about to add your first Swift package to an existing project.

Instead of manually adding packages through the Xcode GUI, CLSPM allows you add multiple packages at once.

List the packages you want to use

In the project root directory call

clspm init --csv

this will create an empty file named spmfile in your project root directory. Here you can list your SPM packages. Go here for more details on init.

The spmfile for a project that will use Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics for example would look like this:

FirebaseAnalytics, FirebaseCrashlytics

Note: If you have or expect to have multiple targets with different dependencies or if you would like to install packages for your test targets follow the quick-start guide for multiple targets.

Install the packages

To add or update packages listed inside the spmfile call:

clspm install

Since you have not used either dependency with clspm in the past you will be prompted to resolve both packages. If you are following along with the example, the url for both google packages is:

Where to go from here?

  • If you create your own SPM packages you might want to learn how to quickly Toggle local and remote implementation of a package
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