WaitTicks - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki


Wait the requested number of system ticks. One tick is 1/60.15 seconds.

TIMING ADVICE: the first time you access any MEX function or M file,
Matlab takes several hundred milliseconds to load it from disk.
Allocating a variable takes time too. Usually you'll want to omit
those delays from your timing measurements by making sure all the
functions you use are loaded and that all the variables you use are
allocated, before you start timing. MEX files stay loaded until you
flush the MEX files (e.g. by changing directory or calling CLEAR
MEX). M files and variables stay in memory until you clear them.

Windows: ________________________________________________________________

WaitTicks is implemented using WaitSecs.m, and each tick is interpreted
as 1/60.15 seconds to be consistent with the Mac version.
(In Windows, a system tick is usually 1 millisecond, but with a precision that
varies from system to system. We're ignoring the system ticks here.)

OS X: ___________________________________________________________________

"Ticks" functions are deprecated, use "Secs" functions instead; To
measure time, use GetSecs insted of GetTicks. To delay, use WaitSecs
instead of WaitTicks.

"Secs" functions are provided for OS 9, Windows, and OS X and are more precise
and more accurate than "Ticks" functions.

WaitTicks behaves exactly as on OS 9, relying on the Psychtoolbox mex
function GetTicks to read the system tick count.

See also: GetTicks, GetSecs, WaitSecs.

6/14/95 dhb Added to help.
1/29/97 dhb More comments.
3/15/97 dgp Expanded comments.
3/15/99 xmz Put in conditional for Windows.
2/12/04 awi Added the OS X case. Fixed the Windows case so that it
waits an integer number of ticks. Simplified platform test
expressions. Added test for unfamiliar platform. Added OS X
section to comments.

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