VBLSyncTest - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
VBLSyncTest(n, numifis, loadjitter, clearmode, stereo, flushpipe, synchronous, usedpixx, screenNumber)
Tests syncing of Psychtoolbox to the vertical retrace (VBL) and demonstrates
how to implement the old Screen('WaitBlanking') behaviour with
This script provides a means to test, how well PTB synchronizes
stimulus onset and execution of Matlab/Octave with the vertical retrace
(also known as vertical blank or VBL) on your specific hardware setup.
The script first opens a double-buffered fullscreen window. Then it
performs a monitor calibration timing loop to estimate the real monitor refresh
interval (aka IFI): While the formula ifi = 1.0 / Screen('NominalFramerate') will
return an ifi that is close to the real IFI, it will be a little bit off
from the real value. The reason is unavoidable jitter in the manufacturing of
graphics cards internal clock circuits, as well as some drift and jitter
caused by instabilities and change in the power supply and operating
temperature of your machine. To be on the safe side, we use a timing-loop
to compute the real IFI as an average of the IFI's of a number of consecutive
monitor refresh intervals.
After the calibration you'll see a simple animation: A flashing rectangle
moving from the top-left corner of the screen to the bottom-right corner.
During this animation, which lasts 'n' frames, it collects information
about the timing behaviour.
At the end, a couple of graphs are shown to you that should allow you to
assess the timing behaviour of your setup.
The following parameters can be changed in order to simulate different
loads and stimulus presentation timings to assess PTB's behaviour under
different conditions.
n = Number of samples to take. E.g., n=1000 == Draw an animation
consisting of 1000 frames.
numifis = Number of monitor refresh intervals (IFIs) between flips:
0 == Flip at each vertical retrace: This is the old PTB 1.0.50 behaviour.
Values of numifis>0 will cause Screen('Flip') to wait for 'numifis'
monitor refresh intervals before flipping the back- and front buffers in
sync with the vertical retrace.
This would be roughly equivalent to the following snippet of code in the old
Screen('WaitBlanking', windowPtr, numifis);
Screen('CopyWindow', windowPtr, myOffscreenWindowwithStimulusPtr);
loadjitter = Simulated load with a random duration between 0 ms
and loadjitter monitor refresh intervals: We wait for the specified
amount of time to simulate the execution of other Matlab-code, e.g.,
KbChecks, GetMouse, Matlab calculations ...
clearmode = Change the behaviour of Flip after flipping.
clearmode = 0 will clear your stimulus drawing surface to background color after flip.
This is the behaviour as found in PTB 1.0.50. After Flip you start with an
empty image and can draw a completely new stim.
clearmode = 1 will not clear after a flip, but keep the contents of your stimulus
image after the Flip: This allows you to incrementally update/draw stimuli.
clearmode = 2 will neither clear nor keep the drawing surface after Flip, but leave the
cleanup work to you. To be precise: The drawing surface will contain the
stimulus image that was *just shown* on the screen. Think of Flip as if it would
flip the front- and back-side of a sheet of paper: The current front side
shows the stim to your subject, the current back side is where you draw.
clearmode 2 will allow you to update the back side, which was the front
side before the flip happened! This mode is useful if you want to save
about 0.5-2 ms of time needed for mode 1 or 2 if you draw stimuli on very
tight deadlines.
stereo = Test timing of display of stereoscopic stimuli.
stereo = 0 will show you a standard monoscopic display.
stereo = 1 will use the OS-X stereo output facilities to show stereoscopic
stimuli: OS-X will quickly alternate between two images at each monitor refresh,
one for the left-eye, one for the right-eye, while generating proper
control signals for LCD shutter glasses. This should work with MacOS-X
compatible stereo display hardware, e.g., CrystalEyes shutter glasses.
flushpipe = Mark end of drawing commands to improve presentation timing.
PTB knows a new command Screen('DrawingFinished') which, when properly used,
will give PTB hints on how to optimize drawing of stimuli: This allows to draw
more complex stimuli at higher monitor refesh intervals with reliable presentation
timing. flushpipe enables/disables use of this new command.
flushpipe = 0 Don't mark end of drawing commands.
flushpipe = 1 Mark end of drawing commands to improve timing.
synchronous = 0 Don't wait for drawing completion in Screen('DrawingFinished')
synchronous = 1 Wait for completion - Useful for benchmarking and debugging,
but degrades performance significantly in real experiments.
usedpixx = 1 Use a DataPixx/ViewPixx/ProPixx device for external
timestamping of stimulus onset, as a correctness test for Screen('Flip')
timestamping. Disabled (0) by default.
usedpixx = 2 Additionally correct for the clock skew between the computer
and DataPixx device.
screenNumber = Use a screen other than the default (max) for testing .
VBLSyncTest(1000, 0, 0.6, 0, 0, 1, 0) -- Render 1000 consecutive frames,
flip at each retrace , pausing for 0.6 frame durations after each flip.
Clear the framebuffer after flip, don't use stereo output, but use the new
"DrawingFinished" command.
VBLSyncTest(100, 10, 6, 1, 0, 1, 0) -- Render 100 frames,
flip only every 10th monitor refresh interval ("WaitBlanking" for 10 refresh intervals),
pause for 6 frame durations after each flip. Don't clear the framebuffer after
flip, don't use stereo output, but use the new "DrawingFinished" command.
VBLSyncTest(100, 10, 6, 1, 1, 1, 0) -- Render 100 frames,
flip only every 10th monitor refresh interval ("WaitBlanking" for 10 refresh intervals),
pause for 6 frame durations after each flip. Don't clear the framebuffer after
flip, use stereo output via "frame-sequential stereo", use the new "DrawingFinished" command.
Figure 1 shows the time delta between start of the VBL of successive
Flip's: This value should be close to the requested delta as specified to
Flip, e.g., you set numifis=0 or numifis=1 on a 100 Hz monitor. Then
delta should be close to 1000 ms / 100 Hz = 10 ms. If numifis=2, it
should be close to two monitor refresh intervals = 20 ms...
The green horizontal line denotes the proper delta value for your monitor
refresh rate and 'numifis' value. The blue graph shows measured deltas. A
jitter of less than +/- 1 ms indicates proper stimulus presentation timing -
no skipped frames.
Figure 2 shows the rasterbeam positions when flip took its internal
timestamp: The values should be usually above the screen height, e.g., on
a monitor resolution of 1200 x 1024 pixels, values should be above 1024.
Values way below 1024 are also ok (e.g., < 100). This just means that
your computer is either pretty slow, or connected to a flat-panel.
Lots of randomly distributed values between 0 and 1024 would indicate sync trouble.
Figure 3: Shows the estimated difference between requested presentation
deadline and the real presentation deadline (start of VBL). Positive
values indicate a deadline-miss and give you an indication of how much
the deadline has been missed. Negative (or zero) values indicate that the
deadline has been met. While the sign of this value is useful for assessing
timing, the value itself is only meaningful for people who can read and
fully understand the C source code and logic of 'Flips' implementation...
Figure 4: Shows the difference (in milliseconds) between estimated
start of VBL and return of the Flip command to Matlab. This is some
indication of the processing overhead of OpenGL, the Operating system and
Psychtoolbox when executing 'Flip'. It's also a lower bound for the
timing delay when trying to synchronize start of acquisition devices to
Figure 5: Shows the difference (in milliseconds) between estimated
stimulus onset (aka end of vertical retrace, scanning beam starts
at top of screen) and the end of Flip. This is the crucial value, if you
want to sync something like sound-playback, triggering of some
data-acquisition device (fMRI, MEG, EEG, ...) to stimulus onset. It
should give you a feeling of how well you can sync. It's possible that
negative values are reported on fast machines - Flip returns ahead of
time (while monitor is still in retrace state). This is fine because your
Matlab-Code for triggering something will add additional delays... Values
should be below 1-2 milliseconds on reasonably modern and correctly
configured hardware.
Figure 6: Is only displayed when flag 'synchronous=1' This figure shows
the total accumulated time for all drawing commands from the last Flip to the
DrawingFinished command. It allows you to get a feeling on how hard the
graphics hardware has to work for drawing your stim - and if it is
possible at all to draw the stim on your hardware, given your time
constraints. During a normal experiment (without sync-flag), the
execution times of your Matlab code (as measured, e.g., by tic and toc)
and of the drawing commands don't add up, because the graphics hardware
works in parallel to the Matlab code.
Please read the code of this M-File carefully as an example of how to get
the best possible presentation timing on PTB-OSX.