Screen TransformTexture - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki


PsychtoolboxScreen.{mex*,dll} subfunction

Apply an image processing operation to a texture 'sourceTexture' and store the
processed result either in 'targetTexture' if provided, or in a new texture (if
'targetTexture' is not provided). Use the data in the optional 'sourceTexture2'
as well if provided. This could be, e.g., a lookup table or a 2nd image for
stereo processing. Return a handle 'transtexid' to the processed texture.
The image processing operation is defined in the processing hook chain
'UserDefinedBlit' of the proxy object 'transformProxyPtr'. 'specialFlags'
optional flags to alter operation of this function:
kPsychAssumeTextureNormalized - Assume source texture(s) are already in a
normalized upright orientation. This can speed up processing, but it can lead to
wrong results if the textures are not normalized and the imaging operation is
non-isotropic - Use with care. A setting of specialFlags == 2 will ask to create
or set the resulting 'transtexid' texture for high-precision drawing, see same
setting in Screen('MakeTexture') for explanation. Read 'help
PsychGLImageProcessing' for more infos on how to use this function.

###See also: