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Replace - Replace Elements
B = Replace(A,S1,S2) returns a matrix B in which the elements in A that
are in S1 are Replaced by those in S2. In general, S1 and S2 should have
an equal number of elements. If S2 has one element, it is expanded to
match the size of S1. Examples:
Replace([1 1 2 3 4 4],[1 3],[0 99]) % -> [ 0 0 2 99 4 4]
Replace(1:10,[3 5 6 8],NaN)) % -> [ 1 2 NaN 4 NaN NaN 7 NaN 9 10]
Replace([1 NaN Inf 8 99],[NaN Inf 99],[12 13 14]) % -> [1 12 13 8 14]
[B, TF] = Replace(A,S1,S2) also returns a logical vector TF of the same
size as A. TF is true for those elements that are replaced.
A and S1 can be cell arrays of strings. In that case S2 should be a
cell array as well but can contain mixed types. Example:
Replace({'aa' 'b' 'c' 'a'},{'a' 'b'}, {'xx' 2}) %-> {'aa' [2] 'c' 'xx'}
If S2 is empty, the elements of A that are in S1
are removed. Examples:
Replace(1:5,[2 4],[]) % -> [1 3 5]
Replace({'aa' 'a' 'b' 'aa' 'c'},{'aa','c'},{}) % -> {'a', 'b'}