PsychVideoSwitcher - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
PsychVideoSwitcher(command [,arg1, arg2, .....]);
Psychtoolbox support for the Xiangrui Li et al. "VideoSwitcher" video
attenuator device for high precision luminance output with up to 16 bits
luminance resolution.
This routine incorporates code contributed by Xiangru Li for switching
between monochrome and color display mode and for performing the
reference Matlab routines for image formatting.
Options: 'command' is a command string, specifying a subcommand. The
following subcommands are supported with the following options:
PsychVideoSwitcher('SwitchMode', screenIdx, enableLuminanceMode [, VideoSwitcherIsABox])
- Switch programmatically between high precision luminance mode and
standard RGB true color display mode. 'screenIdx' is the screen index of the
for the display screen to switch.
'enableLuminanceMode' is meaningful only for card VideoSwitcher, which
must be set to 0 to switch to RGB mode, and to 1 to switch to high
precision luminance mode. For box version, the SwitchMode subfunction
ignores the third input, and only toggles between two display modes,
equivalent to pushing the switch button on the box.
'VideoSwitcherIsABox' is an optional argument: If set to 1, then perform
switching procedure for an external (box) device. If set to zero, then
perform procedure for an internal (PCI card) device. If argument is
omitted, the proper default type is read from a configuration file stored
in the path mypath = PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher');
If you create a file named 'VideoSwitcherIsABox' in that directory
mypath, the switcher is assumed to be an external box. If you create a
file named 'VideoSwitcherIsACard', the code assumes a PCI card based
device. If no such files exist, the switcher is assumed to be a box.
It is important for the code to know if the switcher is a box or a card,
as the switching strategy is different.
PsychVideoSwitcher('SetTrigger', win, triggerLine [, count=infinite]);
- Set trigger line and options for VideoSwitcher connected to the display
of onscreen window 'win'.
'triggerLine' defines the vertical (y) position of a trigger line to be
drawn to the green channel of the final image, in order to trigger the
trigger-circuit of the VideoSwitcher. If you set it to a negative value
or to empty [], triggering will be disabled (This is the default).
'count' Optional: Number of redraw cycles (invocations of
Screen('Flip')), that the triggerline should be drawn. If left out, the
line will be drawn on each redraw until disabled. If set to some value,
it will be drawn for 'count' number of redraws, then disabled.
The trigger mechanism only works if the VideoSwitcher is set to high
precision luminance display. It will emit a TTL pulse of 100 microseconds
duration when the triggerline is drawn by your display. Only one TTL
trigger pulse per video refresh is possible.
PsychVideoSwitcher('SetBackgroundLuminanceHint', win, luminance);
- Tell the driver the 'luminance' value of the background pixels of
onscreen windows 'win'. The driver will use this hint to optimize
conversion of background pixels. This allows for a quite significant
speedup if your stimulus only covers a fraction of the display area and
the remaining area is just a uniform luminance background. This is only
functional if you use the driver that uses the calibration LUT, not the
simple driver.
RGBImage = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGB', lum, ratio [, trigger]);
- Perform conversion of a luminance image into a RGBImage. This is a pure
Matlab based implementation for graphics hardware that is not capable of
supporting the imaging pipeline.
lum: luminance [(MxN]((MxN) matrix with values from 0 to 1)
ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher
trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame
trigger=1 or 'top', the first line of image
trigger=2 or 'auto', the first line with non-zero image
trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image
If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code
Output: RGB image [(MxNx3]((MxNx3) matrix with values from 0 to 255)
RGBImage = PsychVideoSwitcher('MapLuminanceToRGBCalibrated', lum, ratio, lut [, trigger])
- Perform conversion of a luminance image into a RGBImage. This is a pure
Matlab based implementation for graphics hardware that is not capable of
supporting the imaging pipeline.
lum: luminance [(MxN]((MxN) matrix with values from 0 to 1)
ratio: blue to red ratio of the video switcher
lut: The 257 slots calibrated luminance table as described below.
trigger: when non-zero, a trigger will be sent in current frame
trigger=1 or 'top', the first line of image
trigger=2 or 'auto', the first line with non-zero image
trigger=3 or 'middle', the middle line of image
If you omit ratio, you should give it in this code
Output: RGB image [(MxNx3]((MxNx3) matrix with values from 0 to 255)
Note: this runs slow when lum matrix is large. 200x200 can take 1 second.
This uses the calibrated luminance table saved in calibratedlum.mat.
For detail, check the paper
Switch the video switcher to grayscale mode;
Set up the equipement to accurately measure screen luminance;
you can use a photometer or data acquisition system; -
Measure 257 luminance levels at RGB of [0 0 b] and [btrr 0 255],
where b is 0:255, and btrr the blue to red ratio of switcher; -
Store 257 luminance in a variable callum and normalize them:
callum=callum/callum(257); -
Save it to a configuration file. See the help for subfunction
'GetDefaultConfig' below for how and where to store the calibration
[btrr, lut] = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetDefaultConfig', win);
- Get default 'btrr' parameter and 'lut' lookup table from configuration
files and return them. This function can be used by you to get switcher
parameters for use with the Matlab conversion functions above. It will be
automatically used by the imaging pipeline (by PsychImaging() command) if
you select VideoSwitcher as an output device but don't provide explicit
settings for 'btrr' and/or 'lut'.
Configuration files for the VideoSwitcher should be stored in the folder
whose path you get if you type mypath = PsychtoolboxConfigDir('VideoSwitcher');
You can store a configuration file specific to a display screen
'screenid' (with the numbering as in Screen('Screens')). The file should
have the name SettingsforScreen_X.mat with X being the screen number,
e.g., SettingsforScreen_0.mat . This allows you to store per-display
device settings. Alternatively you can store settings in a "global"
config file named GlobalSettings.mat if they are not specific to the
display. The stored mat file should contain up to two variables:
The variable 'btrr' should store the measured/calibrated BTRR
Blue-To-Red-Ratio for yor switcher and display setup. This variable is
The optional variable 'lut' would be a 257 elements double vector of
luminance calibration data, as described in the help text immediately
above the help for this subfunction (== help for
You would create such a file by typing, e.g.:
btrr = 128;
lut = the lookup table vector created by calibration...
save 'GlobalSettings.mat' btrr lut
Internal helper functions for Psychtoolbox - Must not be called from
normal user code!!
luttexid = PsychVideoSwitcher('GetLUTTexture', win, lut, btrr, shader);
- Convert blue-to-luminance calibration lookup table 'lut' into a lookup
table texture for the imaging pipeline, set it up and return a texture
handle 'luttexid' to it. 'btrr' is the required BTRR value. 'shader' is
the GLSL shader handle of the output formatting shader used.
- If 'win' is a numeric onscreen window handle, perform all operations to
implement the green channel trigger functionality for onscreen window
'win'. This routine uses MOGL glXXX() functions to implement drawing of
proper trigger pixel values to the green channel for trigger creation.