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Driver for the USTC reaction time button box (RTBox) by Xiangrui Li et al.
varargout = PsychRTBox(cmd, varargin);

This driver allows to control most functions of the USTC RTBox response
button box. In theory this driver should support boxes up to Box/Firmware
version 5. In practice it has only been tested by the Psychtoolbox
developer up to firmware and box version 1.3, therefore you may encounter
bugs for later versions. The box itself comes bundled with an alternative
driver called "RTBox" which is maintained by the developers of the box
hardware itself, in case this driver doesn't work with your box or

The RTBox is a USB device which provides 4 response buttons (pushbuttons)
for subject responses and can report any button press- or release by the
subject. Additionally it has an input for reporting of external
electronic trigger signals and a photo-diode input for reporting of
visual stimulus onset. The box uses a built-in high-resolution clock to
timestamp all button- or trigger events, independent of the host
computers clock in order to make it more reliable for response time
measurements than most other response devices. It also buffers all events
internally, so experiment scripts can read back events when it is most
convenient. Timestamps can be either reported in Psychtoolbox standard
GetSecs timebase for direct comparison with timestamps from GetSecs,
WaitSecs, KbCheck et al., Screen('Flip') and PsychPortAudio, etc. This
simplifies reaction time calculations. Timestamps can also be reported in
the timebase of the boxe, e.g., time of a button press relative to the
photo-diode light trigger signal or electronic trigger signal, if this is
more convenient for a given experiment setup.

Current versions of the RTBox have additional functionality, e.g., more
digital trigger inputs, some sound trigger, and TTL trigger outputs.

See for up to date product information and
additional driver software.

Please note that while the device documentation claims that the external
electronic pulse port is able to receive TTL trigger signals, we couldn't
verify that this is the case with our test sample of version 1 of the
RTbox hardware. While the pulse input port responded to some pulses sent
by one TTL compatible device, it failed to detect the majority of signals
from TTL most other test devices.

This indicates that the pulse port may not be fully TTL compliant and
will need additional tinkering for your setup. However, results with
later versions of the hardware may be different than our experience with
our test sample.

The following subcommands are currently suppported:

handle = PsychRTBox('Open' [, deviceID] [, skipSync=0]);
-- Try to open a connected RTBox, return a device handle 'handle' to it
on success. The handle can be used in all further subcommands to refer to
the box. By default, all USB ports (or rather USB-Serial ports) are scanned
for a connected RTBox and the driver will connect to the first box found.
Alternatively you can specify which box to use via the optional
'deviceID' namestring. This can be either the name of a box, or the name
of the USB-Serial port to which the box is connected. This way you can avoid
scanning of all ports and disambiguate in case multiple boxes are
connected to your computer.

Btw., if you only make use of one single RTBox, you don't need to specify
the 'handle' parameter to all following subfunctions. Instead you can
specify that parameter as [] or omit it and the driver will use the only
open box connected.

The optional parameter 'skipSync', if set to 1, will prevent the open
routine from performing an initial clock synchronization. By default, it
will perform an initial clock synchronization.

After opening the box, you may want to invoke this method:

clockRatio = PsychRTBox('ClockRatio' [, handle] [, durationSecs]);
-- Perform a clock drift calibration between the computers GetSecs host
clock and the internal clock of the box 'handle'. Restrict calibration to
a maximum of 'durationSecs' (default 60 seconds if omitted). Return the
computed 'clockRatio' and use it for all further operations.

Due to manufacturing imperfections and environmental factors, no two
clocks ever run at exactly the same speed. Therefore the computer clock
and box clock will slowly "drift out of sync" under normal conditions,
rendering retrieved event timestamps inaccurate over the course of a long
experiment session. This calibration routine will exercise the clocks and
compute the clock drift due to this speed difference, then use the
computed drift (= clockRatio) to correct all reported timestamps for this
drift, thereby providing the accuracy needed for reaction time studies.

The clockRatio value tells, how many seconds of GetSecs time elapse when
the box clock measures 1 second elapsed time. Ideally this value would be
1, ie. both clocks run at the same speed. A more realistic value would be,
e.g., 1.000009 -- The computer clock goes 9 microseconds faster than the
box clock, so the drift will accumulate an error of 9 microseconds for
each elapsed second of your study.

As every calibration, this routine involves some measurement/calibration
error and is therefore not perfect, so even after a successfull
'ClockRatio' calibration, timestamps reported during your experiment will
accumulate some error during the course of long experiment sessions.

There are multiple ways to handle this:

a) Use a long calibration time in this function for accurate results, and
a reasonably short experiment duration.

b) Repeat this procedure after every large block of trials, ie., every
couple of minutes, e.g., while the subject is allowed to take a break in
a long experiment session.

c) Use the PsychRTBox('SyncClocks') function after each short block of
trials, or even after each trial, for the highest accuracy.

d) Don't care for clock drift throughout the experiment session, just
collect the event timestamps in box clock format (see the 3rd return
argument of PsychRTBox('GetSecs') or the returned timing array of
PsychRTBox('BoxSecs');) and store them in some array. Remap all timestamps
into the computers GetSecs time at the end of your session via
PsychRTBox('BoxsecsToGetsecs'). This requires a bit more
discipline from you in programming and organizing your data, but it
provides the most accurate timestamps.

[syncResult, clockRatio] = PsychRTBox('SyncClocks' [, handle]);
-- Synchronize or resynchronize the clocks of the host computer and the
box. Return result in 'syncResult' and the current clockRatio in
'clockRatio'. This routine is automatically carried out during invocation
of PsychRTBox('ClockRatio'); but you can repeat the sync procedure
anytime between trials via this subfunction for extra accuracy at the
expense of about 0.5 - 1 second additional time for each invocation. You
would typically execute this function at the start of each large block of
trials, or before start of each trial if you are really picky about
super-exact timing. The syncResult contains three values:

syncResult(1) = Host time [(GetSecs]((GetSecs) time) at time of clock sync.

syncResult(2) = Box time at time of clock sync.

syncResult(3) = Confidence interval for the accuracy of the sync. This
value (in seconds) provides a reliable upper bound for the possible error
introduced in all reported timestamps from the box. The real error may be
significantly smaller, this is just an upper bound that you can check.
Typical results on a well working system should be in the sub-millisecond
range, e.g., 0.0003 seconds or 0.3 msecs. Typical results on a rather
noisy system would be around 0.001 second or 1 msec. Results worse than 2
msecs indicate some problem with your system setup that should be fixed
before executing any experiment study which involves reaction time
measurements. By default, the sync procedure will abort with an error if
it can't calibrate to an accuracy with a maximum error of 1.3 msecs within
a duration of 0.5 seconds. You can change these default constraints with
a call to PsychRTBox('SyncConstraints').

[oldmaxDurationSecs, oldgoodEnoughSecs, oldrequiredSecs, oldsyncMethod] = PsychRTBox('SyncConstraints'[, maxDurationSecs][, goodEnoughSecs][, requiredSecs][, syncMethod]);
-- Change the constraints to apply during calls to PsychRTBox('SyncClocks');
Optionally return old settings.

'maxDurationSecs' limits any call to 'SyncClocks' to a duration of at
most the given number of seconds. Calibration aborts after at most that
time, even if unsuccessfull - in that case with an error message. By
default, the duration is limited to 0.5 seconds.
'goodEnoughSecs' Calibration will finish before 'maxDurationSecs' have
elapsed, if the result is more accurate than an error of at most
'goodEnoughSecs'. By default, this is set to zero seconds, i.e.,
calibration will always take 'maxDurationSecs'.
'requiredSecs' - The calibration will only use samples with an
uncertainty of at most 'requiredSecs'. If not even a single sample of the
required precision can be acquired within 'maxDurationSecs', the call
will fail with an error, indicating that your system setup doesn't
provide the required timing precision for your demands. By default, the
minimum required precision is 0.0013 seconds, ie., it will tolerate an
error of at most 1.3 msecs.
'syncMethod' - Select the synchronization method to use. Either, method 0
(prewrite sync), or method 1 (postwrite sync), or method 2 (average). If
you want to know the difference between the methods, please consult the
source code of this file and read the code for the subroutine 'function
syncClocks'. All three methods are robust and accurate within the
returned confidence window, usually better than 1 msec. So far, method 1
seems to get the best results on our test setups, so this is the default
for the current driver release. However, we are still evaluating if
method 0 would be a tiny bit better and worth switching the default to

oldverbose = PsychRTBox('Verbosity' [, handle], verbosity);
-- Set level of verbosity for driver: 0 = Shut up. 1 = Report errors
only. 2 = Report warnings as well. 3 = Report additional status info. 4 =
Be very verbose about what is going on. The default setting is 3 --
Report moderate status output.

devinfo = PsychRTBox('BoxInfo' [, handle] [, newdevinfo]);
-- Return a struct 'devinfo' with all information about the current
status and parameter settings for RTBox 'handle'. Optionally set a new
struct with updated parameters via 'newdevinfo'. This function is mostly
useful for debugging and benchmarking the driver itself. Most information
contained in 'devinfo' will be useless for your purpose.

PsychRTBox('Close', handle);
-- Close connection to specific box 'handle'. Release all associated

-- Close connections to all attached RTBox devices. Reset the PsychRTBox
driver completely. You'll usually use this function at the end of your
experiment script to clean up.

oldeventspec = PsychRTBox('Enable' [,handle][, eventspec]);
-- Enable specified type of event 'eventspec' on box 'handle'. This
allows to enable detection and reporting of a specific type of event. By
default, only reporting of push-button press is enabled, as this is the
most common use of a response box.

The following names are valid for the name string 'eventspec':
'press' = Report push-button press. This is the default setting.
'release' = Report push-button release.
'pulse' = Report electronic trigger events on external input port.
'light' = Report reception of light flashes by photo-diode on light port.
'tr' = Report reception of scanner trigger "TR" (TTL input from pin 7 of DB-9 port).
'all' = Enable all events.

If called without the 'eventspec' parameter, the function will return the
names of all currently enabled events.

oldeventspec = PsychRTBox('Disable' [,handle][, eventspec]);
-- Disable specified type of event 'eventspec' on box 'handle'. This
allows to disable detection and reporting of a specific type of event. By
default, only reporting of push-button press is enabled, as this is the
most common use of a response box.

See 'Enable' call for help on parameters.

Once you have setup and calibrated the box and selected the type of
events to detect and report, you will want to actually retrieve
information about events. For this you use these commands:

PsychRTBox('Start' [, handle] [, dontwaitforstart=0]);
-- Start event detection and reporting by the box. The box will start
detecting button and trigger events from here on and record them in the
event buffer.

You will usually call this at the beginning of a response period. By
default, the box has reporting already enabled after 'Open'ing it.

The optional 'dontwaitforstart' parameter, if set to 1, will ask the
'Start' function to return control as soon as possible, ie., without
waiting for confirmation of the box that event reporting has actually
started. By default, the routine waits for an acknowledgement from the
box, which can take 16 - 30 msecs in some cases.

PsychRTBox('Stop' [, handle]);
-- Stop event detection and reporting by the box. The box will ignore
detecting button and trigger events from here on and no longerrecord them
in the event buffer.

You will usually call this at the end of a response period.

PsychRTBox('Clear' [, handle] [, syncClocks=0] [, dontRestart=0]);
-- Stop event detection and reporting by the box, clear all recorded
events so far, then restart reporting if it was active before calling
this function.

Instead of calling 'Start' and 'Stop' to mark the start and end of a
response period in a trial you can also simply use this function at the
beginning of a trial (or its response period) to discard any stale data
from a previous trial (or non-response interval).

You can prevent an automatic restart of event reporting by setting the
optional flag 'dontRestart' to a value of 1.

You can ask the box to resynchronize its clock to the host computer clock
by setting the optional flag 'syncClocks' to a value of 1. This is the
same as calling PsychRTBox('SyncClocks').

[time, event, boxtime] = PsychRTBox('GetSecs' [, handle] [, interTimeout=0.1] [, maxTimeout=interTimeout] [, maxItems=inf]);
-- Retrieve recorded events from the box 'handle'.

By default, as many events are returned as are available within the
test interval, but you can select a specific number of wanted events
by setting the optional parameter 'maxItems'. If there aren't any pending
events from the box, by default the driver waits for up to 0.1 seconds
for events to arrive. You can change this 'interTimeout' interval via the
positive (non-zero) 'interTimeout' parameter. The function will return if
no new events show up within 'interTimeout' seconds. If something shows
up, the deadline for return is extended by 'interTimeout' seconds. You
can set an absolute upper limit to the response interval via the
'maxTimeout' parameter. That defaults to 'interTimeout' if omitted.
Please note that after an event is detected by the box, up to 16-32 msecs
can elapse until the event is received by the computer, so you may not
want to set these timeout values too small!

The function will return an array of timestamps in 'time', and an array
of corresponding names of the events in 'event'. E.g., event(1) will
report the identity of the first detected event, e.g., '1' if button 1
was pressed, whereas time(1) will tell you when the event happened, ie.,
when button 1 was pressed. 'time' is expressed in host clock time, aka
GetSecs() time. If no events are pending since last invocation of this
function, empty vectors will be returned.

Additionally, the vector 'boxtime' contains the same timestamp, but
expressed in box clock time. See below for a use of that.

By default, the following names are possible for 'event's:

'1' = 1st button pressed, '1up' = 1st button released.
'2' = 2nd button pressed, '2up' = 2nd button released.
'3' = 3rd button pressed, '3up' = 3rd button released.
'4' = 4th button pressed, '4up' = 4th button released.
'pulse' = electronic pulse received on electronic pulse input port.
'light' = Light pulse received by photo-diode connected to light input port.
'tr' = Scanner trigger "TR" (TTL input from pin 7 of DB-9 port) received.
'serial' = PsychRTBox('Trigger') Softwaretrigger signal received on USB-Serial port.

Note: 'tr' is only supported on boxes with Firmware version 3.0 or later.

However, you can assign arbitrary names to the buttons and events if you
don't like this nomenclature via the PsychRTBox('ButtonNames') command.

The reported timestamps are expressed in host clock time, ie., in the
same units as the timestamps returned by GetSecs, Screen('Flip'),
PsychPortAudio, KbCheck, KbWait, etc., so you can directly calculate
reaction times to auditory stimuli, visual stimuli and other events.

See the help for PsychRTBox('SyncClocks') and PsychRTBox('ClockRatio')
for the accuracy of these timestamps and tips for obtaining optimal

Additionally the event times are also returned in 'boxtime', but this
time expressed in box time -- the time of the box internal clock.

There are multiple variants of this query command with the same optional
input arguments, but different return arguments. All of these return
timestamps in box time without remapping to GetSecs time by calling:

[boxtime, event] = PsychRTBox('BoxSecs' ...);
-- Timestamps are in raw box clock time, everything else is the same as
in PsychRTBox('GetSecs' ...).

If you have the 'boxtime' timestamps from one of the previous functions
around, you can map them later to GetSecs time with very high precision
at the end of your experiment session via:

[GetSecs, Stddev] = PsychRTBox('BoxsecsToGetsecs' [, handle], boxTimes);
-- Perform a post-hoc mapping of a vector of raw box timestamps
'boxTimes' into a vector of host clock 'GetSecs' timestamps. Return some
error measure in 'Stddev' as well, if available.

This method can be used to convert event timestamps expressed in the box
clocks timebase into timestamps in Psychtoolbox GetSecs host clock
timebase. It has the advantage of providing the highest possible accuracy
in mapping, because it computes an optimal mapping function for this
purpose, which is based on all the timing information collected
throughout a whole experiment session. The disadvantage is that it will
only provide meaningful results if you call it at the end of your
experiment session, so you'll need to manage all your collected
timestamps in a format that is suitable as input to this function.

Timestamps can also be returned relative to a specific trigger event: You
specify which event acts as a trigger. Then all timestamps of all events
are expressed relative to the time of that trigger event, i.e., as
deltas. Any event can be the trigger. Format of all arguments is
as in PsychRTBox('BoxSecs' ...);

E.g., PsychRTBox('serial', ...); Returns timestamps relative to the first
occurence of a electronic input port trigger signal since the last query.
PsychRTBox('light', ...); Returns timestamps relative to photo-diode
light pulse. PsychRTBox('1'); returns relative to press of 1st button,
etc. etc.

sendTime = PsychRTBox('SerialTrigger' [, handle]);
-- Send a software generated trigger to the box via the serial port
connection. This will register as a event of type 'serial' and you can
retrieve timestamps relative to the first trigger within a response
period via the PsychRTBox('serial', ...); command.

sendTime = PsychRTBox('EngageLightTrigger [, handle]);
sendTime = PsychRTBox('EngagePulseTrigger [, handle]);
sendTime = PsychRTBox('EngageTRTrigger [, handle]);

-- Engage trigger input on the box for reception of a one-shot trigger
signal. This function will return immediately after submitting the
request to the box. It may take up to 5 msecs worst-case until the
trigger input is really enabled. If you want to wait for the trigger to
be really enabled, call, e.g., PsychRTBox('Enable', handle, 'lighton'); instead,
as that function will wait until the trigger is really active.

Trigger events are special: If a trigger has been received, the
box auto-disables the trigger input, preventing reception of any
further trigger events, until the trigger gets reenabled. The trigger gets
reenabled on many occasions if it has been enabled once via the
PsychRTBox('Enable', ...); command, e.g., at each call to
PsychRTBox('Start'); or PsychRTBox('Clear'). If you want to enable the
trigger on-the-fly, then this function is your friend.

The reason why light trigger auto-disables itself is because a typical
CRT display monitor would generate such trigger signals at the rate of
video refresh, once your stimulus is displayed, e.g., at a rate of 100
Hz. Usually you only want to know one defined timestamp of initial
stimulus onset, therefore the box prevents reception of all but the
first light trigger.

Similar reasoning applies to Pulse and TR triggers.

oldNames = PsychRTBox('ButtonNames' [, handle] [, newNames]);
-- Query or assign labels for the four response box buttons other than
the default names.

This function allows to assign arbitrary names to the four buttons on the
box. These names are reported when querying for button presses and
releases. By default, oldNames = PychRTBox('ButtonNames') would return
the cell array with the four following names: '1', '2', '3', '4'. These
are the names reported for button presses. Button releases would report
the names with an 'up' appended, ie., '1up', '2up', '3up', '4up'. You can
assign arbitrary new names by passing a cell array with four namestrings,
e.g., PsychRTBox('ButtonNames', [], {'7', 'whats', 'hick', 'screw'})
would assign the names '7', 'whats', 'hick' and 'screw' for button press
events, and '7up', 'whatsup', 'hickup' and 'screwup' for release events
of the corresponding buttons.

Please note that the assignment of names to buttons must be unique, ie.
assigning the same name to multiple buttons is not allowed.

oldIntervals = PsychRTBox('DebounceInterval' [, handle] [, debounceSecs]);
-- Query current button debounce intervals (in 4-element vector
'oldIntervals', one value for each button), and optionally set new
debounce interval in seonds via the optional argument 'debounceSecs'.
'debounceSecs' can be a scalar, in which case the same setting is applied
to all buttons, or a 4-element row vector, e.g., [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] to
set an individual interval for each of the four buttons.

The built-in debouncer prevents multiple button responses (button press
or release actions) from getting recorded/reported within some
'debounceSecs' debounce interval. After a button has changed state, only
the type (press or release), identity (which button) and timestamp (when)
of the first state change is reported. Any other state change within
'debounceSecs' seconds of time after that first change will be ignored.
After that time has elapsed, further state changes are reported again. By
default, this dead "debounce" interval is set to 0.050 seconds, ie., 50
msecs. Button bouncing happens if a subject presses or releases a button
very rapidly or vigorously. If such quick multiple events or bounces are
not ignored, they will create multiple apparent button responses which
are a hazzle to deal with in experiment scripts and data analysis.

If you find multiple responses generated for only one apparent button
press during piloting, you may want to set a bigger debounce interval
with this function.

Please note that debouncing doesn't apply to the PsychRTBox('ButtonDown')

Please also note that there is another hardware debouncer with a duration
of 0.3 msecs on RTBox versions with firmware versions 1.3 and older, which
can't be disabled, so even if you'd set a zero interval here, you'd still
get a minimum 0.3 msecs debounce period from the hardware itself.

Later versions of the firmware support the following
PsychRTBox('HardwareDebounce') command to control the hardware debounce
interval more fine-grained.

[oldValue] = PsychRTBox('HardwareDebounce' [, handle] [, scanNum]);
-- Set/get hardware debouncer setting. The hardware will treat a button
event as valid only if the button state stays stable for at least
'scanNum' scanning iterations of the firmware. The scan interval is about
67 microseconds. The valid scanNum is from 1 through 255, with a default
setting of 16 cycles for 1.072 msecs debounce interval.

For software debouncing at the driver level, see PsychRTBox('DebounceInterval')

buttonState = PsychRTBox('ButtonDown' [, handle] [, whichButtons]);
-- This reports the current button state of all response buttons of box
'handle', or a subset of response buttons if specified by the optional
'whichButtons' argument, e.g., whichButton = {'1', '4'} to only test
buttons 1 and 4. 'buttonState' is a vector which contains a 1 for each
pressed button, and a zero for each released button.

This query is as instantaneous and "live" as possible. The reported state
is not subject to button debouncing, but the measured "raw state".
Usually you will want to use the PsychRTBox('GetSecs' ...) functions ans
similar functions to query timestamped button state. They are typically
as fast as this method and they provide timestamps of when the state was
queried, whereas this function doesn't give you information about how
"fresh" or recent the query is. However for simple button queries outside
the response interval, e.g., while the box is PsychRTBox('Stop')'ped with
no need for timestamps, this may be an option.

Due to the design of the USB bus, the query may be outdated wrt. to the
real state by up to 16 - 21 msecs, depending on operating system and
driver configuration.

buttonState = PsychRTBox('WaitButtonDown' [, handle] [, whichButtons]);
-- Wait until at least one of the specified buttons in 'whichButtons' is
pressed down. If 'whichButtons' is omitted, all buttons are tested.

PsychRTBox('WaitButtonUp' [, handle] [, whichButtons]);
-- Wait until all of the specified buttons in 'whichButtons' are
released. If 'whichButtons' is omitted, all buttons are tested.

[timeSent, confidence] = PsychRTBox('TTL' [, handle] [, eventCode=1]);

  • Send TTL to DB-25 port (pin 8 is bit 0). The second input is event code
    (default 1 if omitted), 4-bit (015) for box versions < 5, and 8-bit
    255) for later versions. It can also be equivalent binary string, such
    as '0011'.

The optional return arguments are the 'timeSent' when the TTL update was
performed, and an upper bound on the uncertainty 'confidence' of

The width (duration) of the TTL pulse is controlled by the
PsychRTBox('TTLWidth') command.

This function is only supported for v3.0 RTBoxes and later, the ones with
EEG event code support.

[oldValue] = PsychRTBox('TTLWidth' [, handle][, widthSecs]);

  • Set/get TTL pulse width in seconds. The default width is 0.97e-3, ie.
    97 microseconds when the device is opened. The actual width may have some
    small variation. The supported width ranges from 0.14e-3 to 35e-3 secs. A
    infinite width 'inf' is also supported. Infinite width means the TTL will
    stay until it is changed by the next PsychRTBox('TTL') command, such as

This function is only supported for v3.0 RTBoxes and later, the ones with
EEG event code port support.

In Version <5.0, the TTL width at DB-25 pins 17~24 is controlled by a
potentiometer inside the box. In Version >= 5, the width is also
controlled by 'TTLWidth' command.

[oldValue] = RTBox('TTLResting' [, handle][, newLevel]);

  • Set/get TTL polarity for DB-25 pins 1~8. The default is 0, meaning the
    TTL resting is low. If you set newLevel to nonzero, the resting TTL will
    be high level. If you need different polarity for different pins, let us
    know. This function is only supported with firmware version 3.1 and

In Version 5.0 and later, newLevel has second value, which is the
polarity for pins 17~24.

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