PsychProPixx - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
PsychProPixx() - Drive fast display modes of ProPixx projectors.
This function is an EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE. It is subject
to backwards incompatible change, or maybe even complete
removal from future Psychtoolbox versions without warning!
If you intend to use it in your own experiments, better make
a private copy of the function file, or be prepared to rewrite
your experiment code after Psychtoolbox updates.
This function provides a preliminary method to setup Psychtoolbox
for the fast display modes of the ProPixx projector and to use those
modes in a convenient and relatively efficient fashion.
See PropixxImageUndistortionThrowaway.m for a preliminary demo
on how to use this function.
PsychProPixx('SetupFastDisplayMode', window, rate [, flipmethod=0][, localcalibration=none][, dogpumeasure=0]);
-- Setup for Propixx fast display mode. 'window' is the handle of
the onscreen window which displays on the ProPixx. 'rate' is the
desired update rate, 4 for 4-fold rate (= 120 * 4 = 480 Hz), or
12 for 12-fold rate (= 120 * 12 = 1440 Hz). 'flipmethod' method
of flipping the stimulus images onto the screen. 0 = Standard
Screen('Flip'), 1 = Screen('AsyncFlipBegin') async flips,
2 = Optimized non-blocking flips with later retrieval of timestamps
via PsychProPixx('GetTimingSamples'). Method 2 is the most efficient
method, but it is only supported on Linux with the open-source graphics
drivers. Method 1 is likely the second most efficient method and should
work on all operating systems, but returned timestamps need some
understanding of the rules for async flips. Method 0 is the most easy
to use on any system, but also likely the least efficient one.
'localcalibration' Specify a calibration file for display geometry correction
via a local method. This is usually slower than use of a global calibration,
so better use that and leave this parameter [] empty.
'dogpumeasure' If set to 1 then the actual processing time per frame
on the graphics card (gpu) will be measured with high precision if the
gpu + graphics driver supports this. This is useful for benchmarking and
tuning of code. Results are returned in the global variable 'gpudur' and
optionally plotted via PsychProPixx('DisableFastDisplayMode', 1);
image = PsychProPixx('GetImageBuffer');
-- Get an offscreen window suitable for drawing a stimulus into it,
and then passing it to PsychProPixx('QueueImage', image);
presenting = PsychProPixx('QueueImage', image [, tWhen]);
- Queue a 'image' for presentation. 'image' must be a texture
or OffScreenWindow of proper size, ie., half the width and height
of the onscreen window. The most easy way to get a matching
offscreen window for drawing into and presentation is to use
image = PsychProPixx('GetImageBuffer').
Once a sufficient number of images are queued, the final
image for driving the ProPixx projector is created and presented,
either at the next video refresh, or at the optional target time
'tWhen' - which is passed to the Screen('Flip') command. When
this happens, the 'presenting' flag will return as either 1 in offline
timestamping mode (flipmethod 2), or as the Flip timestamp of
image onset for the whole composite image, otherwise it will return
as 0 if an image has just been queued for presentation.
If you pass a 'tWhen' value of -1 then the Screen('Flip') is not executed
automatically. Instead 'presenting' is returned as 1 when a flip needs to
be performed as soon as possible, and you need to manually call the function
presenting = PsychProPixx('Flip' [, tWhen]); to trigger the actual flip. The
return value 'presenting' has the same meaning as the one of 'QueueImage'.
This allows to split queuing and processing of stimulus images from actually
flipping. This allows to overlap cpu computations in Octave/Matlab with gpu
rendering better, by putting the cpu computations mostly between 'QueueImage'
and final 'Flip'. This is mostly advantageous for flipmethod 0, and to some
degree flipmethod 1, but not as efficient as using the Linux-only flipmethod 2.
samples = PsychProPixx('GetTimingSamples');
-- Returns 'Flip' timestamps in the vector 'samples'. Depending
on flipmode, either all samples of all presentations are returned
(for flipmode 2 on Linux), or up to the most recent 1200 samples
are returned (for flipmode 0 or 1 on all operating systems).
PsychProPixx('DisableFastDisplayMode' [, plottimestamps]);
-- Disable Propixx mode, reset internal variables etc. If the optional
'plottimestamps' flag is set to 1 then plots are generated which show
the collected durations of frame presentations, and potentially
collected timestamps of gpu rendertime if benchmarking was enabled.