PsychPortAudio FillBuffer - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › PsychPortAudio.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Fill audio data playback buffer of a PortAudio audio device. 'pahandle' is the
handle of the device whose buffer is to be filled. 'bufferdata' is usually a
matrix with audio data in double() or single() format. Each row of the matrix
specifies one sound channel, each column one sample for each channel. Only
floating point values are supported. Samples need to be in range -1.0 to +1.0,
with 0.0 for silence. This is intentionally a very restricted interface. For
lowest latency and best timing we want you to provide audio data exactly at the
optimal format and sample rate, so the driver can safe computation time and
latency for expensive sample rate conversion, sample format conversion, and
bounds checking/clipping.
Instead of a matrix, you can also pass in the bufferhandle of an audio buffer as
'bufferdata'. This buffer must have been created beforehand via
PsychPortAudio('CreateBuffer', ...). Its content must satisfy the same
constraints as in case of passing a Matlab matrix. The content will be copied
from the given buffer to the standard audio buffer, so it is safe to delete that
source buffer if you want.
'streamingrefill' optional: If set to 1, ask the driver to refill the buffer
immediately while playback is active. You can think of this as appending the
audio data to the audio data already present in the buffer. This is useful for
streaming playback or for creating live audio feedback loops. However, the
current implementation doesn't really append the audio data. Instead it replaces
already played audio data with your new data. This means that if you try to
refill more than what has been actually played, this function will wait until
enough storage space is available. A 'streamingrefill' flag of 2 will always
refill immediately, ie., without waiting for sufficient buffer space to become
available, even if this causes audible artifacts or some sound data to be
overwritten. This is useful for a few very special audio feedback tricks, only
use if you really know what you're doing!
It will also fail if you try to refill more than the total buffer capacity.
Default is to not do streaming refills, i.e., the buffer is filled in one batch
while playback is stopped. Such a refill will also reset any playloop setting
done via the 'SetLoop' subfunction to the full size of the refilled buffer.
If the 'streamingrefill' flag is non-zero and the optional 'startIndex' argument
is provided, then the refilling of the buffer will happen at the provided linear
sample index 'startIndex'. If the argument is omitted, new data will be appended
at the end of the current soundbuffers content. The 'startIndex' argument is
ignored if no streaming refill is requested.
Optionally the function returns the following values:
'underflow' A flag: If 1 then the audio buffer underflowed because you didn't
refill it in time, ie., some audible glitches were present in playback and your
further playback timing is screwed.
'nextSampleStartIndex' This is the absolute index in samples since start of
playback of the sample that would follow after the last sample you added during
this 'FillBuffer' call, ie., the first sample during a successive 'FillBuffer'
'nextSampleETASecs' This value is undefined (NaN) if playback isn't running.
During a streaming refill, it contains the predicted audio onset time in seconds
of the sample with index 'nextSampleStartIndex'. Please note that this
prediction can accumulate a prediction error if your buffer is so large that it
contains samples that will only playback far in the future.
<<=====See also:===== Open GetDeviceSettings <<