PsychOculusVRCore GetStaticRenderParameters - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki


PsychtoolboxPsychOculusVRCore.{mex*,dll} subfunction

Retrieve static rendering parameters for Oculus device 'oculusPtr' at current
'clipNear' Optional near clipping plane for OpenGL. Defaults to 0.01.
'clipFar' Optional far clipping plane for OpenGL. Defaults to 10000.0.

Return arguments:

'projL' is the 4x4 OpenGL projection matrix for the left eye rendering.
'projR' is the 4x4 OpenGL projection matrix for the right eye rendering.
Please note that projL and projR are usually identical for typical rendering

<<=====See also:=====
