PsychHomeDir - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Purpose: Look for the home directory of the user.
Syntax: path=PsychHomeDir([subDir])
When called without optional 'subDir' argument, the path to the
users home folder is returned. When 'subDir' is given, the
path to the subfolder 'subDir' inside the home folder
is returned - and the 'subDir' created inside that folder
if neccessary.
History: 1/23/08 mpr configured it was about time to write this
3/7/08 mpr streamlined this
3/8/08 mk A bit more of streamlining - Don't write the
PsychPrefsfolder.m file anymore.
4/28/08 mk Made compatible with Octave, added 'subDir'
2/06/09 mk Derived from PsychtoolboxConfigDir().
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