ProceduralShadingAPI - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
ProceduralShadingAPI - Documentation useful for procedural shading:
There are three ways to pass data to a procedural shader for drawing of
parameterized textures or texture-like stimuli:
Texture data: If you create the procedural texture via
Screen('MakeTexture', ...., shader); by attaching a GLSL shader to a
texture matrix, then you can pass image data or other 2D data, e.g.,
matrices with whatever data makes sense, e.g., precomputed lookup tables.
The shader can access that matrices/images at arbitrary texel locations.
This makes sense for static data - content that doesn't change, so it can
be encoded into the texture image matrix. Such textures or lookup tables
can be large, but they consume a lot of memory and bandwith. -
Infrequently changing parameters: Parameters that do change, but don't
change too often, e.g., change only once per trial or maybe once per
stimulus frame, can be passed as uniforms to the shader via the
glUniform() low-level OpenGL command. Uniforms values can be changed
anytime on the fly, but changing them incurs some overhead, so doing it
too often may significantly degrade stimulus drawing speed. -
Frequently changing parameters: Parameters that do change once per
drawn texture (per-gabor parameters for drawing a large number of gabor
patches per image) can be passed as so called vertex attributes. These
parameters are passed directly to the Screen('DrawTexture(s)') and
efficiently transferred to the hardware. However, the number of such
attributes is limited to a small value. E.g., ATI Radeon X1600 allows for
a maximum of 16 such attributes. To keep your code portable to a variety
of graphics hardware, you should use this option sparingly.
The following vertex attributes are acessible from within a vertex
Vertex attributes and their meaning, sorted by corresponding
Screen('DrawTexture(s)') parameters:
vec4 gl_TexCoord : (x,y,z,w) location of the corner(s) of the source
texture to be drawn by Screen('DrawTexture(s)') before rotation or scaling
transforms (ie. before TEXTURE_MATRIX). Depending on the current vertex,
the (x,y) components encode either the top-left, top-right, bottom-left or
bottom-right position as given by the 'srcRect' parameter. The (z,w)
components are currently unused, default to (0,1).
attribute vec4 srcRect : The 'srcRect' parameter as passed to the
'DrawTexture' command: srcRect.xyzw = [left top right bottom].
vec4 gl_Vertex : (x,y,z,w) location of the corner(s) of the "textured" quad
to be drawn by Screen('DrawTexture(s)') before rotation or scaling
transforms (ie. before MODELVIEW_MATRIX). Depending on the current vertex,
the (x,y) components encode either the top-left, top-right, bottom-left or
bottom-right position as given by the 'dstRect' parameter. The (z,w)
components are currently unused, default to (1,1).
attribute vec4 dstRect : The 'dstRect' parameter as passed to the
'DrawTexture' command: dstRect.xyzw = [left top right bottom].
attribute vec4 sizeAngleFilterMode : sizeAngleFilterMode.xy contains the
width and height of the underlying texture or virtual texture in texels.
attribute vec4 sizeAngleFilterMode : sizeAngleFilterMode.z contains the
'rotationAngle' parameter in degrees (ie. 0-360).
attribute vec4 sizeAngleFilterMode : sizeAngleFilterMode.w contains the
'filterMode' parameter.
vec4 gl_Color : Contains the color as passed by the fixed function
pipeline. These values may be clamped to the 0.0 - 1.0 range on some
systems, e.g., MacOS/X 10.4.x and earlier.
attribute vec4 modulateColor : Contains the color/alpha unclamped. This
is the same as gl_Color, but guaranteed to be not clamped to the 0-1
range on any system.
The .r .g and .b components contain either the RGB values of the
'modulateColor' argument, or (1,1,1) if none specified. The .a component
contains either the A alpha value of 'modulateColor' if specified, or the
'globalAlpha' value if no 'modulateColor' is specified but 'globalAlpha',
or 1.0 if neither 'modulateColor' nor 'globalAlpha' was set.
Please note that the "color" values are affected by the color range
remapping as set by Screen('ColorRange') if 'modulateColor' is specified.
If one wants to use 'modulateColor' to pass generic (non-color kind)
parameters, one should probably set the color range to 0.0-1.0 for
consistent results.
attribute vec4 auxParameters0 : Contains the first four components of the
'auxParameters' vector or matrix passed to 'DrawTexture(s)' if any. These
values are passed as is without any conversion - a good way to pass
additional parameters to a shader in an efficient way.
Further components of the 'auxParameters' matrix get assigned to:
attribute vec4 auxParameters1
attribute vec4 auxParameters2
attribute vec4 auxParameters3
attribute vec4 auxParameters4
attribute vec4 auxParameters5
attribute vec4 auxParameters6
attribute vec4 auxParameters7
The current number of such parameters is limited by PTB to 8*4 = 32 floating
point values, but old graphics hardware may have lower limits on the
number of allowed parameters.