MachGetPriorityFlavor - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki

OS X: ___________________________________________________________________

MachGetPriorityFlavor returns the priority flavor mode of the main

The second return argument, priorityStruct, is the priority struct for
the active priority flavor mode.

The priority flavor 'THREAD_PRECEDENCE_POLICY' is never returned
because its status is implied by either 'THREAD_TIME_CONSTRAINT_POLICY'

-If flavorNameString is 'THREAD_TIME_CONSTRAINT_POLICY', then then
'THREAD_PRECEDENCE_POLICY'and its 'importance' parameter are ignored
by the Mach task scheduler.

-If flavorNameString is 'THREAD_STANDARD_POLICY' then the 'importance'
parameter associated with 'THREAD_PRECEDENCE_POLICY' governs the
relative allocation of CPU time between the main MATLAB thread and all
other threads of the MATLAB process.

MachGetPriorityFlavor probes priority using MachGetPriorityMex.

OS 9: ___________________________________________________________________

MachGetPriorityFlavor does not exist in OS 9.

WINDOWS: ________________________________________________________________

MachGetPriorityFlavor does not exist in Windows.


see also: Priority, Rush, MachGetPriorityMex, MachSetPriorityMex,

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