IsomerizationsInEyeDemo - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Shows how to compute photoreceptor isomerizations using toolbox
routines. These calculations are for the human eye,
starting with a spectrum as measured by the PR-650
in watts/sr-m^2-wlinterval, or with a relative spectrum
and a photopic troland value.
NOTE, DHB, 7/19/13. This demo routine and its associated data routines
[(DefaultPhotoreceptors]((DefaultPhotoreceptors), FillInPhotoreceptors, PrintPhotoreceptors))
should be better integrated with the more recent code that
implements the CIE physiological cone fundamentals, and the
whole set of stuff should be better documented. See also
In particular, there should be some default for the
photoreceptors structure that gives one the CIE cone
fundamentals in all their parametric glory, plus additional
parameters that yield real energy/quantal sensitivites so
that the resulting coordinates are isomerization rates in
real units. I think that we're close to having that, but
better documentation and tidying is needed.
07/08/03 dhb Wrote starting from IsomerizationsInDishDemo.
07/11/03 dhb Grab data through subroutines. Get rid of integration time.
07/15/03 dhb Take eye size from function.
08/14/11 dhb Comment out saving of T_dogrec at end. Want to be careful when and where
this is done, but the template may be useful someday.
03/20/12 dhb Update cal file for PTB 3.
04/09/12 dhb Add test of irradiance to troland conversion.
04/27/13 dhb More extensive comments.
7/19/13 dhb Print out photoreceptors structure using PrintPhotoreceptors.
dhb Add monochromatic light option to the section that starts with trolands.
8/11/13 dhb Add test of AborbtanceToAbsorbance.
dhb Protect against case when absorbance is provided directly.
05/26/14 dhb Dusted off.
6/10/14 npc, dhb Modifications for accessing calibration data using a @CalStruct object.
7/7/14 dhb Make calStruct object code conditional on the support routines existing on the path.